2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

Bad news - Good players get left behind
Good news- Good players previously ignored get a chance

The truth- None of this matters

The only thing Minnesota hockey needs to apologize for is making families choose spring break over another weekend of hockey

There is absolutely no reason they can't start this process after all the spring breaks are done

So Minnesota hockey. I challenge you. Fix it... If you have the kids best interest truly at heart, you will recognize this should be the most important item on your agenda. Not whether your evaluation process picked jimmy over billy
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by blueline_6 »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:38 am Bad news - Good players get left behind
Good news- Good players previously ignored get a chance

The truth- None of this matters

The only thing Minnesota hockey needs to apologize for is making families choose spring break over another weekend of hockey

There is absolutely no reason they can't start this process after all the spring breaks are done

So Minnesota hockey. I challenge you. Fix it... If you have the kids best interest truly at heart, you will recognize this should be the most important item on your agenda. Not whether your evaluation process picked jimmy over billy
To add to this - doesn't this also cause some conflict with the beginning of Spring HS sports season? So this is more of the "We encourage multi-sport athletes, it's not good to focus on one sport" rhetoric being cast aside.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by MWS coach »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:38 am

The only thing Minnesota hockey needs to apologize for is making families choose spring break over another weekend of hockey

There is absolutely no reason they can't start this process after all the spring breaks are done

So Minnesota hockey. I challenge you. Fix it... If you have the kids best interest truly at heart, you will recognize this should be the most important item on your agenda.
I would disagree on the timing. First off, there is never going to be a "perfect" time that works for everyone.
We don't typically go to some sandy beach by plane, our vacations are cabin time at the lake, as such, pushing this out further only makes us choose between going to the cabin (depending on weather that season), or another weekend of hockey. Same as those that choose to go somewhere for spring break.
My point, this is not a MN Hockey issue, but a decision by each family on their priorities.

As already mentioned, pushing out further creates even more conflicts with spring sports.

I would also add, pushing further from the end of the season puts players in a position to make a decision to continue skating to stay sharp for HP process. Again an individual decision, but certainly something to consider. Catch 22 more time between may give a longer window to shut it down, but for those that want to skate until HP, makes it even longer timeframe.

School districts have different schedules for spring break, some we done a few weeks ago, some still on spring break, my two cents is it doesn't make any sense to move the process until the middle of April just to try and avoid spring break. Each family has to make a decision and do what is best for them, as I started there is no perfect time...

To me, the more disturbing item with scheduling is 16's 54 practices scheduled on Friday during the school day. Not sure why, but shouldn't those be Friday evening so they don't have to miss school?
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by MWS coach »

As for the Gentry and SSM players, they participated at 15's last year, thus not a change. Sure there were more Gentry players whom decided to tryout this year at 16's (for whatever reason), but why wouldn't they be able to participate as they are considered MN and USA Hockey. Which district should they tryout at? Yes they play a tier 1 schedule, but why does that matter? The comment that they are seen by more scouts playing a tier 1 schedule really doesn't hold water with me. May be true, but wouldn't a HS player that plays at Edina be seen by more scouts then a HS player at XYZ school? So does that mean Edina players shouldn't try out based upon having more exposure :roll: Yeah, I get kind of comparing apples and oranges as both XYZ and Edina play HS schedule and not a tier 1 schedule, but does seem to be a silly reason they shouldn't be part of MN HP process.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

MWS Coach

Politely disagree

1. No one goes to the cabin in March /April (not even me)
2. Starting this say this coming weekend would still give every family a number of days for their spring break...1/3 of schools have theirs the 3rd week in March, 1/3 the last week and 1/3 the first week in April. Most springs sports start date is around April 6th with no school sports on Sunday

But let's be honest. Minnesota hockey doesn't really care to much about "multi sports" athletes (if they did, they wouldn't pile on the HP stuff in the Spring and Fall). Money is their main source of motivation and everything else is a second (and by the way, there is nothing bad or illegal about admitting money is the main source of motivation.

They could still start this process April 6ish (That first or second full weekend in April)...Yes kids will have to "choose" hockey versus the other sports but they won't have to choose hockey versus family time. Since hockey is now 13 months a year. It may make sense for Minnesota hockey to run this later in the spring and carry it on until the end of May. Then these kids making it to NY will be fresher with their ice time. As is stands now, the 16's and 18's are on their own from April until the NY camp starts in Mid June or July. I'd rather have a month off after the high school season ends then start the HP stuff heavy in late April - May

My point is this...Taking a "hockey break" from say March 15-April 7th won't change the outcome of one kid getting bigger, stronger, faster or that elusive college scholarship. But it will give families the chance to spend one short brief week together. And for those of you with multiple kids who divide and conquer sports/activities all year long, you know exactly what I am talking about

I'll end it with this....This year many dads probably convinced their family that they couldn't go on spring break because jimmy just had to make that HP team. Jimmy tries his best and comes up short....Now you have a mom who's mad at the dad for ruining spring break. Jimmy's mad at dad because all his friends are snap chatting him from a beach somewhere. And dad, well he's mad at everyone for screwing over little jimmy yet again.

And please, no "this is optional" arguments. We all know that horse left the barn years ago.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by MWS coach »


I agree with most of what you are saying, except HP Heavy in late April/May, especially getting into May as that is cabin time..... May 9th is the fishing opener, so you hit my point exactly.

While actual season for spring sports may start April 6th, I do know many LAX and Baseball players have started (maybe unofficial).

FWW - can still make both work. Leave on Sunday night instead of on Friday and come back on Sunday, or come back on Thursday night/Friday morning. Still can make both work. Sure takes away some time, but not an absolute pick one or the other.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by blueline_6 »

April 1 was official start of Spring season, just mentioning it since you both referenced April 6.

Although most Spring teams have been doing captains practices since early March.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by BeauKnowsHockey »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:28 pm I'll end it with this....This year many dads probably convinced their family that they couldn't go on spring break because jimmy just had to make that HP team. Jimmy tries his best and comes up short....Now you have a mom who's mad at the dad for ruining spring break. Jimmy's mad at dad because all his friends are snap chatting him from a beach somewhere. And dad, well he's mad at everyone for screwing over little jimmy yet again.
I feel bad for this hypothetical family. At least, I hope they are hypothetical.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by muckandgrinder65 »

Guessing: Mr. KK, 02 MapleGrove Soph will be an ‘at large’ selection for natty camp?
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

MSW Coach

I like you call that one weekend in May "fishing opener"....That's what I call it as well. Except the wife politely reminds me every year that the Sunday of your fishing opener also happens to be Mothers Day . So if the State of Minnesota can't figure out how to avoid having fishing opener on Mothers day weekend we may be asking to much for Minnesota hockey to try to stay away from "tryouts" over Spring Break :D

But seriously.... Minnesota Hockey I would love to hear from you on this forum why you simply can't delay this HP process off until ALL spring breaks are finished.....And please...do no use the "multi-sport" excuse or you will open up an argument you will not win
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by blueblood »

If they wait for spring break to finish, then dates could fall on Palm Sunday and Easter, which they do this year.

What about HS Prom, do they schedule around that? How about the Robotics competition?

My point, whatever dates MN Hockey picks there will be conflicts and the posts regarding "bad timing" will continue on this board.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

I agree with Easter Sunday but I can't give you robotics or Prom....Prom is an evening event held on a Friday night or Saturday night. pretty simple to stay away from those later times

I get it we are all busy but Minnesota hockey has to realize the sacrifices families make throughout the year. Most families have multiple kids in this sport so Spring Break could be one of the few weeks a year families are "together"...(and not in a rink "together")

Again most of the tryouts could take place during the week. And if they truly support multi sports , these HP tryouts could even take place around 7pm so kids could still participate in their "other sport" which typically starts right after school.

As far as games. It's really only 2 weekends which I sure can be scheduled around Easter weekend, opening fishing and whatever else falls on the weekend in late April early May. (By the way if you look at a calendar, 1/2 the time Easter weekend is the same weekend some schools are finishing up their spring break.

This is not heavy lifting people...It just takes a little work and a whole lot of common sense..

I said my peace on this subject and don't need to beat a dead horse....I guess asking for a three week "break" from this sports is asking to much.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by Section 8 guy »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:29 am I agree with Easter Sunday but I can't give you robotics or Prom....Prom is an evening event held on a Friday night or Saturday night. pretty simple to stay away from those later times
You don’t think outstate kids that have to travel for HP care about going to prom?
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by InThePipes »

blueblood wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:02 am
My point, whatever dates MN Hockey picks there will be conflicts and the posts regarding "bad timing" will continue on this board.
Agree, there is really no way to win...make a choice that suits your family/player and live with it. As many others have mentioned, it's a nice program, but also not the end of the world if you don't participate or aren't selected to move on to the latter stages.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by northwoods oldtimer »

Haha LMAO!
Every year since the inception of the Forum it has been rant on 'players left behind'. Now it is 'spring break' you boys are hilarious. Couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

Relax old timer...Man this forum has become such a place to bash anyone who speaks their mind or offers up an opinion on something


My only point was trying to give families a little break from hockey. I guess that makes me the town idiot
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by That guy for that thing »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:13 am Relax old timer...Man this forum has become such a place to bash anyone who speaks their mind or offers up an opinion on something


My only point was trying to give families a little break from hockey. I guess that makes me the town idiot
I am with you on giving the kids a break. After a season is over, you gotta take time to decompress and relax a bit. Enjoy being able to go home right after school and not be stressed or worried about practice. Enjoy the "warm" weather and clear the mind a little. Even the colleges/pros take time after a season until they get back to workouts and practices. Kids need time to be kids sometimes.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by 6AAGuy »

All told these teams should play some really good hockey. I'm going to try and be there to watch. Hopefully no gate fees again.
Anyone have odds on Frontrunners?
I like White for 16s
I like Blue for 17s
Obviously no clear favorite, mostly just teams I know the most guys from.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by northwoods oldtimer »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:13 am Relax old timer...Man this forum has become such a place to bash anyone who speaks their mind or offers up an opinion on something


My only point was trying to give families a little break from hockey. I guess that makes me the town idiot
All I am saying you boys are hilarious
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by yesiplayedhockey »

I will poke the bear

We are hilarious because we are suggesting that Minnesota Hockey takes a three week break to allow families to spend a little time a together?

I guess you're sense of humor and mine are quite different

Lets table this conversation
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by blueblood »

For the record, Minnesota Hockey has a 4-week break between the Spring Festival and the 54's.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by northwoods oldtimer »

yesiplayedhockey wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:24 am I will poke the bear

We are hilarious because we are suggesting that Minnesota Hockey takes a three week break to allow families to spend a little time a together?

I guess you're sense of humor and mine are quite different

Lets table this conversation

Participate or enjoy family time it's pretty simple and the HP stuff not getting too worked up over to be honest.
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by Section 8 guy »

I can be a little slow a lot of the time, but I don't understand the logic of how extending the season out is "giving the kids a break" Getting it done with as soon as possible after the natural hockey season and then putting the skates away for the summer as much as possible is giving the kids a break. Not pushing something that can be done by the end of April out to the end of May.

And I can honestly say, as someone who has had kids participate in the HP process at a fairly extensive level.......I don't know a single person that's ever mentioned the HP or Family vacation dilemma being described here. I think the circumstances you describe impact a fairly small group of people. It's just not possible to pick a time that works for everyone.
northwoods oldtimer
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by northwoods oldtimer »

Section 8 guy wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:22 pm I can be a little slow a lot of the time, but I don't understand the logic of how extending the season out is "giving the kids a break" Getting it done with as soon as possible after the natural hockey season and then putting the skates away for the summer as much as possible is giving the kids a break. Not pushing something that can be done by the end of April out to the end of May.

And I can honestly say, as someone who has had kids participate in the HP process at a fairly extensive level.......I don't know a single person that's ever mentioned the HP or Family vacation dilemma being described here. I think the circumstances you describe impact a fairly small group of people. It's just not possible to pick a time that works for everyone.
Not too many 218'ers take spring break that I roll with. Save those vacation days for May/June fishing trips and fall hunts.
As Jimmy Buffet would say "....changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2019 HP U17 or U16 Boys Rosters?

Post by goaliedad31 »

Sort of interesting with all the talk about missing Spring break and HP forcing kids to show up or not make it when there are many kids missing part of this weekend's tryouts due to Prom. Missing for prom is ok, but not for Spring break? Seems odd.
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