The NHL this year

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The NHL this year

Post by Icewhole »

It's no longer a mystery to anyone that there will probably be no NHL season this year. <br>As an avid hockey lover i am upset to say the leaste, but life goes on.<br>Anyone have any feelings on this, also i'm unlcear of the reasoning behind the decision, anyone want to clear this up for me?<br><br>(Yes, this is off the topic a little bit, but believe it is important to many people.)<br> <p></p><i></i>
ptown tigers
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NHL lockout

Post by ptown tigers »

The basis for the lock out is that the Owners want a salary cap, and the players do not. The owners are constantly losing money(i believe like only 3 NHL teams made money last year, the Wild, Red Wings and Avalanche) and the league will simply fold if there is not a salary cap. The players on the other hand feel as if they should get paid like football, baseball and basketball players. The problem with that is that hockey does not create as much revenue as those other sports. A big reason for that is hockey simply does not sell in some places, and they do not have a great TV deal. The NHL needs a salary cap in order to survive, and for some reason the players dont realize this. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by ChrisK »

It appears to be a blinking contest between the players and owners. I'm not sure of the specifics, but as I understand it the owners wanted some kind of salary cap and the players wouldn't budge so now they're sitting across a metaphorical table waiting for the other side to blink. Both sides have dug in their heels, this from an article I found on the web: "Owners have contributed $300 million to a league fund to help get them through a lockout, and the union has retained licensing money to help its members. Bettman said about 20 teams would lose less money during a lockout than they would if play continued." So the only ones that lose are the fans.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: No NHL

Post by KLRider »

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't many of the players playing over in Europe during the strike? There really is no big incentive for the players to rush back. What if the NHL folded and was reborn?? Just thinking out loud here, but I don't think either side is going to give any time soon.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: No NHL

Post by hockeygymnast »

I think it is obvious to everyone except the owners and players that the NHL and hockey in general occupies a very small niche in the sports world. There is no public outcry to bring the two sides together. Both parties are to blame. The owners thought that the NHL had broad national appeal (Not even close to NASCAR for example) and they expanded the league to too many cities; and they are paying ridiculous salaries to their top players. The league does not have any player close to a Gretzky or an Orr as a drawing card that could possibly give them a return on the huge salaries. The players want the big money like their football, baseball brethren, etc. - totally unrealistic. The last TV contract gave each team $5 M - not even enough to pay one superstar contract. Enough about the pros. <p></p><i></i>
ptown tigers
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Re: No NHL

Post by ptown tigers »

Well the whole thing is the players want more money, they dont get paid as much over in Europe as they do in the NHL. So Europe is not a solution for them, it helps for now, but in the long run it wont work. Currently the Minor league systems are still going, so there are players playing there, but not the high class ones. How wierd would it be to see Joe Sakic or someone of his stature playing in the AHL or ECHL? The players need to concede in this one, I have to take the side of the owners. When 3 out of 30 teams can yeild a profit, somthing needs to be changed. The players have to realize the sport is not popular all over the country, and restrictions have to be put on salary. In 1993-94 the league spent 57 percent of league revenues went to player salaries. That year the players salaries took up $414 million of the league's $732 million in revenues. Today's 76 percent number is pretty hefty when compared to the NFL (64 percent maximum/54 percent minimum), the NBA (60 percent) and Major League Baseball (63 percent). The NHLs revenues have grown 163 percent during the nine years the league had operated under the old CBA, but the costs of NHL players ballooned by 252 percent.<br>The average NHL salary in 1991 was $276,000. In 02-03 season $1,790,209. That is 65 times what it was in 91'. Those to me are some pretty amazing statistics, and with a fan base not what the other major sports are, im surprised the league hasnt folded yet. <p>Good Teams Would be Nothin without Good Water.....</p><i></i>
rapids hockey
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Re: No NHL

Post by rapids hockey »

There is a buzz in Anchorage right now because of the lock out. Scott Gomez signed for $500.00/week to play for his hometown Alaska Aces of the ECHL. He turned down a 6 fig. contract to play in Russia. Before Gomez signed there were like 2,000 some tickets sold for the home opener Fri. night, now over 6,000, sold out, no standing room only tickets available Friday night against San Diego. <p></p><i></i>
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Gomez and the NHL

Post by juniorhockey »

Gomez in the ECHL!! I think that's great. Should be good for the league and the team up their. <br><br>Meanwhile, from people I have spoke with, and what I've read, the NHL Players will have to cave. The owners will NOT budge and have every right not to. <br><br>It doesn't really bother me that much, but it hurts the fans who might have gotten back into hockey after last year's playoffs. I think they were the best I had seen in years. It seemed that a transformation was in place and offense and attacking were the 'new' things, while trapping and not taking chances was out. To bad, I'd watch Calgary and TB play every day of the week.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Gomez and the NHL

Post by EREmpireStrikesBack »

Two things that need to happen before the lockout ends:<br>1. Hard salary cap, much like the one that is in place in the NFL. MLB is the next league to get one. It is needed to keep salaries in check, keep all teams competitive and keep owners in the league. A must-have in any professional league<br><br>2. Contraction, get rid of at least 6 teams. Phoenix, Florida, San Jose, LA, Atlanta & Carolina are the top 6 that come to mind. Nashville, Columbus, Buffalo & Washington are others that could go. There weren't enough fans to fill arena's before the lockout, there is no way that there will be enough after. The NBA is just getting over their lockout and MLB finally got their fans back from their strike about 3 years ago. The NHL is going to take awhile to dig themselves out of the hole they dug and 1/3 full arenas in cities that don't care aren't going to help. <p>Elk River AA State Champions- 2001 Boys & 2004 Girls</p><i></i>
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Re: Gomez and the NHL

Post by verb1999 »

I hear some riff raff about the owners having a meeting with the NHL or something. After it, the Florida Panther's owner leaks information that after 2 years of a lockout is when they'll bring in the replacements. Then when the NHL found out he was the one who told, they fine him some $250,000. Anyone know anything about this? <p></p><i></i>
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Sergei Zholtok

Post by scheids316 »

Just came across the morning news ticker...<br><br>Sergei Zholtok of the Atlanta Flames (Former Wild player) who was playing in Latvia during the lockout, collapsed and died on the way to the locker room at an arena.<br><br>Very sad news. I always liked him when he was on the Wild. Not a superstar, but he was very consistent, and a great team leader.<br><br>He was only 31.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Zholtok

Post by hawksrock0304 »

Very sad news about Zholtok. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.<br><br>Scheids: "Sergei Zholtok of the Atlanta Flames"<br>???????<br>His last NHL team was Nashville and I don't believe the Atlanta Flames exist anymore..... <p></p><i></i>
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Wow, don't I feel smart.

Post by scheids316 »

Sorry about the mix-up. Attribute it to me working a very mixed up schedule and a total disruption of my normal sleep schedule.<br><br>Atlanta I can't believe I came up with that myself.<br><br>I was thinking he was on the Thrashers, but it was Nashville, like you said.<br><br>Anywho, RIP Sergei. You'll be missed. <p></p><i></i>
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