Randolph Appeal and Article

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Re: Goalie 91

Post by LSandA »

Hello again,<br><br>Didn't mean to ruffle to many feathers with yesterday's post. I am sorry I called Randolph a baby..my mistake.I don't want to get banned.<br>For the record I am not a Randolph basher. I believe he deserves his share of credit for all the East wins over his tenure. He put in 15 years for the program and that is commendable. Also he solely deserves the credit for providing the East kid's with the most competitive schedule in the state. That being said he must also shoulder the blame for losses and teams that have under achieved. I do think that politics has no place in high school sports, certainly when it comes to coaches. As for my posts this year, I hopefully have tried to give the East player's the credit as opposed to the coaches. I find it hard to take people who want to somehow dilute this year's East hockey accomplishments. It is a hard case to sell that the 02-03 season was a great coaching job based on the fact that someone? claimed they had no talent. They did make it to state, but lost both games. Is it fair to say that was a better year than this past year? I must be missing something.<br><br>This is my last post on this site. It is obvious it is a skewed site. Why would you choose to delete people's posts? <br><br>East hockey should be about the kids first, coaches second. Why does this situation seem so wrong... Good riddance and good luck.<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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hockey cafe

Post by 2AhockeyOldTimer »

i thought you were sending non-hockey talk to the hockey cafe.. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Is there two sides to this issue?

Post by cyozzie36 »

Brooke, Jr----<br>You are correct that not having contracts renewed does happen everyday. However, one thing to keep in mind is that high school coaching is basically a volunteer job. No high school coach is getting rich or making their livelyhood from coaching. So, why be so harsh about the real world when you have an individual who has given up a great deal for others?<br><br>You are also right that there are two sides to this issue? The problem is we really won't ever hear the truth behind one side of it and that one is not the side that I'm sitting on. You asked:<br>"Do you really think the administration would put themselves on the line and make such a controversial decision if it didn't have all their ducks in a row?"<br><br>It seems they didn't have their ducks in a row. Lets look at Mary Camerons ariticle a little more closely to see how closely the ducks are to being lined up.<br>1. Administration conducts a survey for the purpose of "assisting the coach/advisor and Activities Department in identifying strengths and concerns. Survey results never passed on to to the Coach so that they could be evaluated.<br>2. The Activities Director is not involved in the process to dismiss Randolph yet this person will be the one working with the coach. This seems wrong even if this isn't the "real" world.<br>3. Complaint letters that were allowed in a file when the correct process was not followed. Breaking a policy set forth by the board.<br>4. No activity council review which means a major lack of communication and improper due process.<br><br>It seems that the ducks are not even closed to being lined up. People have rights in the "real" world and when you are mistreated or wronged you should stand up and fight for these. Its becoming obvious that people had it in for Coach Randolph, and that the correct process was not followed. The administrators are lucky they are having a lawsuit over this because in the "real" world that very easily could have happened. Coach wants to coach and help out kids, which he has done for 15 years. Will everyone be happy with him, no. Will everyone be happy with any coach, no. <br><br>Next point--It looks like he won't be reinstated by a new Pro-Mike board unless they are trying to save the Administrators who had messed up in the first place, which as a board is what they should do. Sounds like Coach was going to or will win his hearing, which should tell you the process was not followed correctly and the ducks are all messed up. <br><br>The kids are the biggest part of the picture but you can't ignore the fact that a persons rights were taken away. I'm not saying he has the right to coach East forever, but to not renew someones contract you still have to follow the procedures and processes that are in place in the organization. <br><br>The kids should have some say however how do you do that? Which kids have a voice and which don't? I would hope the players do step up and voice their opinions which some have however, you must also realize that you don't always get to choose your coach straight up. I mean in the "real" world you can't just say hey I don't like my boss I want to bring this person in and work for them.<br><br>Finally, LSandA you wondered why is it right for peoples posts to get deleted? Well, when people step way over the line and can't discuss an issue like adults their need to be repurcussions. Mitch and Lee do a great job with this site and they both love great debates but do you want someone on the site calling you names and swearing at you, along with making personal attacks. No, nobody does and so at times people will get banned. This site is run by these gentlemen and if you can't abide by their rules then don't bother posting. Its not like they don't let good healthy debates go.<br><br>Finally, yes I am a former East player and I am loyal to Randolph but can you blame me? I haven't heard anything to change my opinion of him, and until that happens I will support him. <br><br>He coached me for three years and I loved my experience playing for East. Is he a tough old-fashioned coach? Yes, without a doubt but he taught me about having a good work ethic and about busting your butt. Not to mention what can be accomplished why a group can come together for one cause. My senior year no one expected anything of us and we went on to win a state championship all the while being led by Coach Randolph. We were supposed to be the end of the East dynasty and we end up losing one game on the way to the title. <br><br>He desearves better for what he has accomplished and what he has given up and I'll be glad to see him back behind the bench. I will also feel terrible for Wenty and his staff because the entire situation has been unfortunate but the situation should be rectified and the wrongs done to Coach Randolph should be righted, and it looks like they will be. <br><br>I've gone on much longer than I wanted to or planned to but oh well. Brooke, Jr--I have no idea who you are and I'm sorry that I disappointed you but I have to express and follow what I believe in. If you or anyone else can give me legitimate reasons why he shouldn't be behind the bench I'll agree with you but until then I will support Coach Randolph. You seem to think you know me pretty well, which surprises me because I have no idea who you are. Feel free to contact me at cyozzie@hotmail.com because if I do know you I'd love to catch up. Anyways--- until another time. <p></p><i></i>
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what now?

Post by packerboy »

OK cyozzie, lets say everybody agrees that Randolph wasnt treated right. He got a raw deal from some politicians who had it in for him 'cause he put their kid on the 4th line or cut them. As my daughter would say"whatever". Fine. You've convinced us.<br><br><br>Now, what do you do? Do we have the new politicians reinstate him. Is this what we want our school boards to be doing? Does the hockey coach change every election? Is who the hockey coach should be at East part of the candidates" platform".<br><br>Again, bad deal for Randolph but can we turn back the clock? Should we?<br> <p></p><i></i>
Brooke Jr
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Re: hockey cafe

Post by Brooke Jr »

Good points by Packerboy,<br><br>Another question? When Randolph is reinstated, do the current coaches have any rights? Are they being fired by the current schoolboard? I know at least one of the coaches is a high school teacher. Does anyone know the answer?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by cyozzie36 »

What to do now is the big question? Personally, I would like to see the grievance process be what puts Randolph back in as coach so that some of the politics are left out of it. But then what? I would love to see Randolph keep as much of last years staff on board with him if thats possible. I imagine he will bring back Trachsel and TJ. It will be difficult for the kids however if he is not reinstated then an injustice will occur. Yes they do occur all the time and I understand that but what else do you do? I feel terrible that this years staff will get hurt in all of this and some kids will be upset. I've played for Wenty and Scotty before and loved playing for them as well, though they are tough coaches also and can be just as rough with players.<br><br>I would like to see the process and aspects of the program get changed. Bring in a group to make the cuts like they do at the youth level, obviously the coaches will have input. This may help with some of the sour grapes over cuts if they aren't directly attributed to Caoch. One issue is that cuts are more clear cut than people think. I played in the program for three years and at times it was difficult to know exactly where you stood but if you asked you were told the truth. Coach is honest and will tell you straight up. Trust me I've been there and had conversations with him about my future as a player when I was there.<br><br>Also--Set up a system to evaluate the coaches by players, parents, and administration. However, include the coaches in the process so that they can learn from them and make changes as they see fit. <br><br>I know none of these suggestions really answer the main issue but it will be tough but lets be honest. This is high school hockey and the kids are going to lace em up for whoever is behind the bench and bust their butt to get back down I35. Either way--Coaches and players will be upset, hurt, frusturated and unhappy but if an given that Randolph was taken down for the wrong reasons then he should be back. <br><br>I don't know its tough and who knows exactly what should happen? I'd love to hear plenty of suggestions from those on the board. Lets get creative and try to solve the problem.<br>Later. <p></p><i></i>
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Great posts on both sides

Post by BlaBlaBla »

I have enjoyed posts from numerous people on this board over these last few pages. I feel there are bias opinions on both sides just like my opinion is biased to a certain degree. It is human nature and is the sole reason this board has been so lively on this subject. Bottom line, Randolph got a raw deal. It has been a year and it might be time for him to let it go and enable the Wentworth crew to continue on with their own tenure. The East program will probably have about the same win-loss ratio over the long run with either coaching staff because the talent is developed at a younger level. I believe the Randolph is very good at developing a team system in order to win and also developing young men's character. I believe that Wentworth and crew are very good at developing players in order to win and developing their characters as well. It comes down to which is more in line with the spirit of high school athletics. I played for both sets of coaches. I will admit my skills in high school were not very good and that is why I didn't play that much. I also will admit my skills were the same in the younger days when I played with Wentworth and crew. For some reason their philosophy to make everyone better was more condusive to my personality. I am not saying which set of coaches is better on a grand scale, for me it was Wentworth's style. Do we want coaches on the high school level to pursue wins or development. I don't know the answer to that question but I can guess how most people would want development and involve as many players or lines as possible. One might argue that high school is old enough to start focusing on the bottom line, aka wins. As I stated earlier I personally don't believe you have to give up winning in order to sacrifice player developement.<br>Thanks to all for the great posts. <p></p><i></i>
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Hearing underway

Post by east hockey »

For those interested, the School Board meeting regarding Mike's possible reinstatement is on channel 22 (Charter Communications) in Duluth. Interesting stuff thus far.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
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Post by doeislandguy »

Lee - can you give us a report every 5 minutes or so, 22 doesn't come in too good in the metro. Is Laurie Knapp there? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hearing

Post by east hockey »

Laurie Knapp spoke out in defense of the initial non-renewal. Others (such as Brent Mathison's mother) also took the podium to request that the Board not reinstate Randolph.<br><br>Board member Dorothy Newmann just had a meltdown and her voice was clearly shaking, accusing the Board in general of a conflict of interest and calling the closed session meeting prior to the general meeting a "sham".<br><br>Hustad is speaking now.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
Eddie Shore
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Re: Hearing underway

Post by Eddie Shore »

Thanks, Lee! Keep the updates coming. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hearing

Post by east hockey »

Holy crap.<br><br>Did I just hear this right or did Laura Condon insinuate that Randolph and his assistants stole funds???<br><br>I gotta replay the tape after this is over but it sure sounded that way. <br><br>Grover said he was content to say nothing after Neumann spoke but after Condon "piled on" (his words), he suggested that Condon retract her comments and apologize.<br><br>Akervik is speaking now.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://b9.ezboard.com/bmnhs.showUserPub ... ockey>east hockey</A> at: 4/20/04 6:49 pm<br></i>
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Post by doeislandguy »

Lee - give us a breakdown by boardmember, their name and which way they lean. The banter back and forth is interesting. Did Coach Randolph speak? Wentworth??? <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :eek --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... ns/eek.gif ALT=":eek"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Just voted

Post by east hockey »

Mike, Larry & Terry just reinstated by the School Board by a 5-2 vote; Neumann and Condon voted against the resolution and amendment.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
Eddie Shore
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Re: Hearing

Post by Eddie Shore »

W - O - W....Wow! Lee, in all honesty, when this went down last summer did you ever think we'd be back to the point we're at tonight?<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8o --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/nerd.gif ALT="8o"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hearing

Post by east hockey »

doeislandguy,<br><br>In favor of reinstatement; Tom Hustad, Mary Cameron, Mike Akervik, Tim Grove, Ann Wasson (Ann's vote surprised me)<br><br>Against; Laura Condon, Dorothy Neumann.<br><br>None of the current or past coaches spoke. There were actually very few speakers, but there seemed to be a large crowd in attendence as they broke out into cheers a couple of times.<br><br>In the aftermath, Tom Hustad just thanked Todd Wentworth and his staff for the past season and said the vote wasn't about them.<br><br>Now the School Board is on to other issues.<br><br>Oh, one more point; legal representation and Julio Almanza also urged the Board to not reinstate Mike. Big surprise there <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>One humorous moment in what was as tense and polarized a Board meeting as I've ever seen was when Condon said "I rarely if ever agree with former Board member Harry Welty...but the letter he wrote, published last Saturday (in the News-Trib) made some very salient points..."<br><br>Probably will have more comments as I review the tape.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hearing

Post by east hockey »

Eddie, there was no way I thought we'd be back here, because I didn't see Harry Welty and Bob Mars voted out in last November's election. Until that happened, nothing was going to be done about Mike's firing, non-renewal, however you choose to call it or spin it.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
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Post by doeislandguy »

Lee - Great job! I hope there are a few coolies sunk tonight on the East end of Big D. I think it's awesome that the board doesn't go with either Julio or Knapps' recommendation. laurie.knapp@duluth.k12.mn.us Nice job Laurie! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hearing

Post by cyozzie36 »

Must have been an interesting night in Duluth. Glad to see some rights have occured throughout this whole process. I feel terrible for the Wentworth staff and I believe many people do. I would urge both sides to rally together around the East program right now. The entire situation has been unfortunate. <br><br>This could be a great time for fundraising for the Hounds and Duluth Hockey as a whole. Maybe a Public Schools Rink could come into the forefront. I mean the football/ soccer stadium was just refinished why not fundraise and built an incredible high school venue. <br><br>The kids will obviously need some support. I would also like to urge the kids to stay with the program and continue the dominance they have shown over the years. I had the chance to speak with another ex-player tonight who called to inform me of everything. He too voiced a great deal of respect for all coaches but echoed my sentiments that he felt Randolph should be back behind the bench.<br><br>It will be interesting how the Knapp-Randolph relationship goes this year? I imagine they will communicate more often this time around. I also wonder how much more of a role the activities director will play, I'm not sure it it is still Mern or not.<br><br>I of course would like to congratulate Mike and his program for not being afraid of standing up for what they believe in and fighting a system that seems a little tainted (like I am) and corrupt. Thanks to Wenty and his staff for the great year and I would hope you all continue coaching as players are lucky to play for you all. <br><br>I mainly hope that the kids can rally together and can come back as winners. I would love for them to host a state championship soon. Plus, supporters of Mike and Todd don't disappear stay in the forefront and work together and grow the program to higher heights. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to get involved and help in any way with the East program, most likely just financially but good luck to all.<br><br>Finally, I apologize for upsetting certain members of this board at times. Good luck to everyone. Go Hounds! <p></p><i></i>
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Randolph's Hearing

Post by wisco31 »

I just wanted to say congratulations to Coach Randolph. I played for Coach Randolph and his staff for 5 years and graduated in 2002. Coach Randolph is a very knowledgeable about the game of hockey and taught me a lot about it, but more importantly he taught me a lot about life. He is a very energetic person and his passion for the game can't be matched by anyone. He is one of the best coaches that I have had over my career and that is a direct reflection to is willingness to coach kids and his love for the game. I was able to enjoy a game over Christmas, but it was awkward not seeing Coach Randolph and his staff behind the bench. Randolph never deserved to have his job stripped from him and I am elated that he has gotten it back. I am looking forward to seeing Duluth East become a dominant force again in the near future. Randolph has allowed me to become the hockey player that I am today and has shown me the right path to take throughout life. Best of luck to you in the future coach and bring the title back to Duluth East. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by nikehockey10 »

Congragulations Coach Randolph!! You are a very good hockey coach and a great person! good luck! <p></p><i></i>