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Age does matter

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:19 pm
Birth year counts in every sport except HS! Baseball, Basketball, ETC. all use Birthyears. Saying that someone is a 6th or 7th grader doesn't mean anything. Most MN hockey players are held back a year before they start school, based on the age classifications for MN hockey. Kids start school around the country when they turn 5 before September. Not hockey players in MN. Imagine going to the Little League baseball world series with kids that are 6 months too old (OK Taiwan). It is a huge difference at the younger ages. I think that the comment, there will be a hybrid in MN is right on. There is no way to keep AAA hockey out of MN. MN association hockey is very good AA hockey. Edina hockey is an exception. This team, and the squirt team are exceptions, because they have been playing at MN Made since they were 5. Do you really think they were born to be great hockey players? The top AA teams in the country would also be in the top 50 for Tier 1 AAA, but want to compete at a lower level. Unless you have lived outside of MN, you probably have little to go on. We had a saying in AAA hockey that goes like this "If they are flying in, they are probably pretty good". What high school did Parise play on? McBain? And you can play HS hockey in MN when you are 20. Can't play on U18 if you turn 19 before Dec. 31st. Where are Bennie, and Jack Blake? What happened to Louie Nanny? Where is Connor Hurley from?

If HS hockey is so sacred in MN, change the age groupings to match the rest of North America, and watch what happens.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:21 pm
by Snap Happy
Slipped in the crease wrote:Shin, to compare these suburbs to Detroit is impossible. To compare the demographics would create a race riot.......88% of Edina, white, affluent, ect.

Detroit the same demographic MOVED out of the immediate area. You ever been there? Apocalyptic !! That's why you have kids from a large area in Detroit.
Until, we send 00' to play 00's (or 99's to play 99's), we'll never really know. Believe me, Michigan could careless if we send an All star team comprised of all Minnesota.
Do we have great players, YES, nobody would ever dispute that. Even the Michigan fans would acknowledge that.
I don't think Shin or anyone else here is comparing demographics with the city of Detroit - you would really have to have your head buried in the sand to do that. We know the talent is coming from the suburbs and beyond - similar (yet not the same) to the Minneapolis area. I would be interested to see MI put together their best community based team (comparable to Edina) and see how they stack up against MN D6 (for starters).

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:33 pm
by O-townClown
SKMN loves Minnesota Made. 8 posts and I think it was mentioned in each one.

I actually know a kid whose last name is SKMN and he's committed to a Hockey East school. Terrific kid.

SKMN love MN Made

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:54 pm
Don't love it, but it is making a huge difference:) No denying that all of a sudden there are two super teams in MN. both from Edina, both from MN Made! No denying that they are kicking everybody's ass! Must be the vitamins they are eating, or Edina has discovered a new super water source. These teams are even playing possum after they get up by more than 5 goals (don't shoot unless you have to). Probably could play without sticks and still beat the other teams. Even, almost beat one of the best AAA teams in the country. Yes, they were younger but that shouldn't matter!!!!! They are in the same grade and that should determine where they play.

Open your eyes! What happened in the last 5 years? Even Edina, is getting tired of beating everyone, and has to go outside the state for competition. Going undefeated in a hockey season is not good or fun for anyone!!!

Form an all star team and see if you can beat Edina. Fat chance! Just Pee Wee and below though. The other teams are good but they haven't been groomed like these new teams.

Re: Age does matter

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:29 pm
by redtundra
SKMN wrote:Birth year counts in every sport except HS! Baseball, Basketball, ETC. all use Birthyears. Saying that someone is a 6th or 7th grader doesn't mean anything. Most MN hockey players are held back a year before they start school, based on the age classifications for MN hockey. Kids start school around the country when they turn 5 before September. Not hockey players in MN. Imagine going to the Little League baseball world series with kids that are 6 months too old (OK Taiwan). It is a huge difference at the younger ages. I think that the comment, there will be a hybrid in MN is right on. There is no way to keep AAA hockey out of MN. MN association hockey is very good AA hockey. Edina hockey is an exception. This team, and the squirt team are exceptions, because they have been playing at MN Made since they were 5. Do you really think they were born to be great hockey players? The top AA teams in the country would also be in the top 50 for Tier 1 AAA, but want to compete at a lower level. Unless you have lived outside of MN, you probably have little to go on. We had a saying in AAA hockey that goes like this "If they are flying in, they are probably pretty good". What high school did Parise play on? McBain? And you can play HS hockey in MN when you are 20. Can't play on U18 if you turn 19 before Dec. 31st. Where are Bennie, and Jack Blake? What happened to Louie Nanny? Where is Connor Hurley from?

If HS hockey is so sacred in MN, change the age groupings to match the rest of North America, and watch what happens.
The only comment I have about this post is the assertion that "Most MN hockey players are held back a year before they start school." That may be dumbest thing I have ever heard. There may be 1 or 2 in a city for all grades combined where this is true. And the grades vs. birth year thing IS overrated. The FACT is that this deal Edina did with the 2000 teams is absolutely comparable. You're taking 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th graders - and playing against 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th graders. Nobody is "held back a grade". Can an Edina parent comment on if any of the kids on the PWAA team were "held back" a grade? If a Pee Wee team this year played a 99 team instead, that would NOT be comparable. That would be 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th - playing against 7th and 8th graders - predominantly 8th graders. Again, no one held back a grade. That's just stupid.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:33 pm
by goaliewithfoggedglasses

First off you make it sound like there are kids from all over the place skating in the Edina Hockey Association. That is simply not the case. The only way to play for Edina is to live there or go to school there, and open enrolling into Edina schools is not easy. Most schools are at or near capacity with residents. Sure there are a few kids but it is not that common, and it has NOTHING to do with the size or strength of the surrounding Associations.

I also don't understand why you think the training a portion of the kids receive at MM in the summer has more to do with their success than what the entire team receives in the winter? Why do you give all the credit to MM and none to the Association? This makes no sense to me.

Re: Edina pee wees in MI

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:55 pm
by Bleed Maroon and Gold
[quote="paultabor"]There have been a number of things written about this trip, and I'd like to make a few comments. I helped get this thing going, and am probably in a good position to comment. Hopefully, no excuses will be given for anything... To be blunt, no excuses needed. It was a great trip, and the kids, coaches and parents could not have had a better time. The key figure in MI who put this together with us was Trevor Edwards - coach of 2000 Honeybaked. Trevor could not have been nicer, more helpful, or more complimentary. He had great things to say both about our team, and our style of play. He told me we were the best team they faced all year. They were the best team we played all year as well. Well coached, physical, and very skilled. They play a style of hockey that is much more in line with what hockey becomes as the kids get older. We were probably the better skating team (our "style" focuses on this in MN), and they were better at the little things - power play, penalty kill, positioning, etc... I would say Edina lost and HB won (2-4) based on what determines most things in a close game with good teams - timely scoring and goaltending. The shots were 36-18 for Edina (there was some confusion about this on here, but we have the scoresheet and the scoring was done by MI parents). But that was not indicative of play. The game was basically even in play - HB did a great job of finishing on their chances when they had them. They're a great team. Both teams competed hard. Tough competition on the ice, followed by great conversation and pizza and drinks (provided by HB) afterwards. Class all-around. Little Caesars was much of the same. They are tough and gritty, and competed every shift. The score (6-2 Edina) was again not indicative of the play. Close game. Close shots (25-24 I think?). Tough up and down the ice. I feel it necessary (FICA!) to say, because it was mentioned on the site, that my son received the major penalty in this game - and it was the correct call. The final game against Compuware was another battle to the end, two good teams, and we won in OT on a sweet goal (4-3). We took this trip to test the kids and have a great experience. Both occurred in spades. At no point were we worried about winning or losing (oh no - not undefeated!) We all knew we could lose 1 - or all 3 - against 3 very good teams. The point was to compete - and that's what happened. We are all very fortunate to have the ability to take a trip like this. I would love to see this happen with more teams in the future - not just Edina. Rosemount and Maple Grove come to mind as having a great crop of squirts who could compete at this level. And not just Machine and Blades kids. A number of kids on our team who are some of our top players do not play for either team in the summer. Finally, I wanted to comment on the BIG undercurrent on this site: 99's playing against 2000's. It was a complete non-issue. All 4 teams were very comparable in size and strength - AND age. We had the 5 oldest kids (5 99's, all later in the year). We also had 6 of the youngest kids. Our team has six 6th graders. HB (I spoke to their coach - he should know...) had one or two 6th graders (he actually wasn't sure exactly, but he said 1 or 2). The fact is there were 4 teams who played, made up entirely of a mix of 6th and 7th graders in some capacity. All very well balanced. Funny how in other sports birthyear is irrelevant. A senior on the basketball team is a senior. Period. At what point during the 2 birth years each school grade is made up of is not even discussed. They're seniors. Hockey gets too wrapped up in that. No one looked like a varsity player out there - I guarantee you. And the biggest kids on each team were all the same size - same with the smallest. 4 very good, evenly matched teams played each other this weekend. It's a non-issue. In closing, I want to thank Tony for his YHH coverage, and for all the positive posts about a great experience. I loved the one about how rooting for the cake-eaters in something like this is akin to how you feel about your sister: you can badmouth her all you want; someone else does it and you slug them. So true. Let's see if we can, as a state, get more of these games going in the future. There will always be teams here that can compete nationally. It does nothing but promote the game, show us what we are doing well and not so well, and make us all better in the long run. I don't know what the future holds for "the Minnesota model" versus the rest of the nation. My guess is that there will be a hybrid of sorts in our state in the future - one where some kids play AAA in the winter and others association - and very good players come out of both. Mostly because puberty is the great equalizer. Thanks to all the Michigan people for a wonderful time (especially Marty!). I also want my liver back. Paul.[/quote]


A hybrid of sorts can already be put into place. I contacted Dave M with MNH and he has said the only way to play AAA winter hockey in MN is for your association to petition at the beginning of each season. Not guaranteeing they will approve this but that is the information I have. I am not an Edina fan but do have a question for a person in the know and by no means am I trying to rip on the Edina people.

If Edina has a problem finding competition in Minnesota why does that entire association not try to play AAA tier 1 hockey and leave the minnesota model so they can play better competition.

We all know the open enrollment happens in all sports. But it is clear that Edina is one of the biggest associations in MN if not the biggest and could probably put their top 16-18 skaters on a Tier 1 AAA team and still have competitive teams at the association level. Maybe this is the Hybrid Minnesota hockey needs to take. Sounds like you had a great trip and I am glad the Edina finally found some competition and best of luck the rest of the way in your season.

Facts Facts Facts

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:02 pm
There are over 1,600 kids going to Edina schools from outside the district. Edina schools are easy to get into, except a couple grade schools. Check the birthdate on most HS Seniors in MN playing hockey. Do you think they will turn 18 or 19 this year?

Why do you think Hopkins basketball is so good and the Minneapolis teams are weak? They must have the best coaches too:)

And yes, I give plenty of credit to the coaches and the association. But when the team comes out of the gate and waxes other teams 11-0, 14-0, do you really think the coaches are that much better?

Do you people even live in MN? Are you always this emotional with no facts?

Maybe, just maybe, before you start whining, you should check it out. I know facts are tough to deal with, but the reality is that the landscape has changed, research it a bit, then post with some real knowlege.

Example: Age doesn't matter! Edina only has 50K people and Detroit 5Million, Edina had 2 kids that didn't play! It was their ice not MN ice!

Edina hockey is by far the best in the State! No doubt about it. The new Edina hockey is going to change things! No doubt about it.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:05 pm
by Slipped in the crease
I can see it now. The Hybrid gets approval and the local Century 21 agents requests for listings in area codes 55343, 55410, 55416, 55424, 55435, 55436, 55439 go through the roof!!!! Any developers interested in a high rise? :wink:

Re: Age does matter

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:13 pm
by Jerry Lundegaard
redtundra wrote:
SKMN wrote:Birth year counts in every sport except HS! Baseball, Basketball, ETC. all use Birthyears. Saying that someone is a 6th or 7th grader doesn't mean anything. Most MN hockey players are held back a year before they start school, based on the age classifications for MN hockey. Kids start school around the country when they turn 5 before September. Not hockey players in MN. Imagine going to the Little League baseball world series with kids that are 6 months too old (OK Taiwan). It is a huge difference at the younger ages. I think that the comment, there will be a hybrid in MN is right on. There is no way to keep AAA hockey out of MN. MN association hockey is very good AA hockey. Edina hockey is an exception. This team, and the squirt team are exceptions, because they have been playing at MN Made since they were 5. Do you really think they were born to be great hockey players? The top AA teams in the country would also be in the top 50 for Tier 1 AAA, but want to compete at a lower level. Unless you have lived outside of MN, you probably have little to go on. We had a saying in AAA hockey that goes like this "If they are flying in, they are probably pretty good". What high school did Parise play on? McBain? And you can play HS hockey in MN when you are 20. Can't play on U18 if you turn 19 before Dec. 31st. Where are Bennie, and Jack Blake? What happened to Louie Nanny? Where is Connor Hurley from?

If HS hockey is so sacred in MN, change the age groupings to match the rest of North America, and watch what happens.
The only comment I have about this post is the assertion that "Most MN hockey players are held back a year before they start school." That may be dumbest thing I have ever heard. There may be 1 or 2 in a city for all grades combined where this is true. And the grades vs. birth year thing IS overrated. The FACT is that this deal Edina did with the 2000 teams is absolutely comparable. You're taking 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th graders - and playing against 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th graders. Nobody is "held back a grade". Can an Edina parent comment on if any of the kids on the PWAA team were "held back" a grade? If a Pee Wee team this year played a 99 team instead, that would NOT be comparable. That would be 6th and 7th graders - predominantly 7th - playing against 7th and 8th graders - predominantly 8th graders. Again, no one held back a grade. That's just stupid.
I'll really throw a wrench in this argument with this I'm sure - but most of the Edina kids (whether 6th or 7th grade) are really smart and participate in advanced classes at school - so one may argue that they're really 8th and 9th graders in 6th or 7th grade... sort of "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" if you will.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:24 pm
by paultabor

A hybrid of sorts can already be put into place. I contacted Dave M with MNH and he has said the only way to play AAA winter hockey in MN is for your association to petition at the beginning of each season. Not guaranteeing they will approve this but that is the information I have. I am not an Edina fan but do have a question for a person in the know and by no means am I trying to rip on the Edina people.

If Edina has a problem finding competition in Minnesota why does that entire association not try to play AAA tier 1 hockey and leave the minnesota model so they can play better competition.

We all know the open enrollment happens in all sports. But it is clear that Edina is one of the biggest associations in MN if not the biggest and could probably put their top 16-18 skaters on a Tier 1 AAA team and still have competitive teams at the association level. Maybe this is the Hybrid Minnesota hockey needs to take. Sounds like you had a great trip and I am glad the Edina finally found some competition and best of luck the rest of the way in your season.

BMandG. I think this one is best left for someone from the Board or someone better in the know than I am. I will say we have had a number of very close games this year in association hockey (EP last night!), and this year really is an anomaly. I don't think every year Edina would be able to field a AAA team good enough to compete very well. I think it will change each year. Maybe Rosemount or Maple Grove in a few years at the Pee Wee level would be the team to challenge on a national level. Hard to tell. But if there ever is a hybrid, I think it will need to be metro all-star teams (Don't know how many in each birth year, but maybe start with 4 - North, South, East and West so you can practice somewhat locally, have a metro AAA league somewhat like what they do in Detroit with the Little Caesars League, and compete in various national tournaments). So maybe 60 skaters and 8 goalies for the AAA teams every calendar year. Everyone else plays assoication. It will most likely come down to economics and desire (like it does in Detroit). The AAA teams will be populated by wealthier families and kids who focus almost solely on hockey. The association teams will be everyone else - including those high-end athletes who want to play multiple sports. I think this is probably how it will go in the end (not that I like that, just think this is the direction). At the end of the day, the majority of the kids who play D1 and beyond will come from the AAA teams. They won't be any more gifted athletes, but they will throw a lot more time and money at it. And that will be the difference maker.

Re: SKMN love MN Made

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:24 pm
by helightsthelamp
SKMN wrote:Don't love it, but it is making a huge difference:) No denying that all of a sudden there are two super teams in MN. both from Edina, both from MN Made! No denying that they are kicking everybody's ass! Must be the vitamins they are eating, or Edina has discovered a new super water source. These teams are even playing possum after they get up by more than 5 goals (don't shoot unless you have to). Probably could play without sticks and still beat the other teams. Even, almost beat one of the best AAA teams in the country. Yes, they were younger but that shouldn't matter!!!!! They are in the same grade and that should determine where they play.

Open your eyes! What happened in the last 5 years? Even Edina, is getting tired of beating everyone, and has to go outside the state for competition. Going undefeated in a hockey season is not good or fun for anyone!!!

Form an all star team and see if you can beat Edina. Fat chance! Just Pee Wee and below though. The other teams are good but they haven't been groomed like these new teams.
This is getting a little overblown... Yes, this group is special and dominant. this is not the case year in and year out for Edina. Ohhh not all that long ago, like last year at PWA Edina did not make it to the state tournament. that team did have several players from this years team on it.

Is this a special group? Yes. Are they very dominant? Yes. Is Edina year after year ONE of the top programs? Yes

Do several of these kids skate at MM, yes. Do all of the 00 Machine play for Edina, no... Will Machine be dominant at younger ages... In my opinion no...

Edina HS Hockey

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:25 pm
Connor Hurley, the best player by far for Edina HS, is from Eagan. Munson is from Apple Valley. Anders Lee transferred from St Thomas and they introduced the Anders Lee rule to MN sports. But you probably knew that. The Edina hockey association is loaded with kids from outside of Edina, that go to school there. Best schools in the state, and best hockey program. No, you're right no parent would do that to their kid, especially a hockey parent:) Why would you subject your kid to that kind of treatment.

One more thing. Unless your kid played at MN Made, the chances of making an Edina AA team below Bantam are very, very, slight.........

Re: Facts Facts Facts

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:39 pm
by Close,but
SKMN wrote:There are over 1,600 kids going to Edina schools from outside the district. Edina schools are easy to get into, except a couple grade schools. Check the birthdate on most HS Seniors in MN playing hockey. Do you think they will turn 18 or 19 this year?

Why do you think Hopkins basketball is so good and the Minneapolis teams are weak? They must have the best coaches too:)

And yes, I give plenty of credit to the coaches and the association. But when the team comes out of the gate and waxes other teams 11-0, 14-0, do you really think the coaches are that much better?

Do you people even live in MN? Are you always this emotional with no facts?

Maybe, just maybe, before you start whining, you should check it out. I know facts are tough to deal with, but the reality is that the landscape has changed, research it a bit, then post with some real knowlege.

Example: Age doesn't matter! Edina only has 50K people and Detroit 5Million, Edina had 2 kids that didn't play! It was their ice not MN ice!

Edina hockey is by far the best in the State! No doubt about it. The new Edina hockey is going to change things! No doubt about it.

To be that long winded and not need a snorkel while soaking in the Orang/Green Kool-Aid Hot Tub? Truly amazing!! Convenient of you to pick and choose your Edina Super Teams. Did you forget about last year’s Super PWA team? Loaded with 99 Machine kids who backed into a 4th seed in regions and took an early exit. By far, the most individually talented team in the state. Who’s to blame for their tragic under achievement? The PW coach with several State Championships under his belt? Hardly! Could it possibly have something to do with the direct influence by the curator of your beloved MM? In this case, MM has done more harm than good.

And settle down with calling the squirts a super squad. They’re good, but have a long way to go and plenty of solid competition in the metro. MM cannot take credit for the only (2) returners and there are plenty of others who never have, or will be, tattooed with the “Made, Not Born,” insignia.

Hoping you run out of ink soon…………………..

Held back a grade

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:43 pm
I never said they were held back a grade. They start a year later!!!!!!! They should be in school at the age of 5. They are not. They start at the age of 6 or turn 6 that school year. Yikes, I thought this was a hockey forum?

There are no Shattuck players that turned 19 last calendar year!!!! Can't do it...... They are U18. The cutoff is 12/31 for the world. If it's no big deal, than why does MN keep it??????????

Geez, you think I was attacking the Holy Grail! If you want to talk real hockey, you are going to have to be able to discuss hockey outside of MN. Some of you sound like a bunch of old Canadians, who thought they owned hockey, or the US when they use to talk smack about Basketball or baseball.

Re: Edina HS Hockey

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:48 pm
by goaliewithfoggedglasses
SKMN wrote:Connor Hurley, the best player by far for Edina HS, is from Eagan. Munson is from Apple Valley. Anders Lee transferred from St Thomas and they introduced the Anders Lee rule to MN sports. But you probably knew that. The Edina hockey association is loaded with kids from outside of Edina, that go to school there. Best schools in the state, and best hockey program. No, you're right no parent would do that to their kid, especially a hockey parent:) Why would you subject your kid to that kind of treatment.

One more thing. Unless your kid played at MN Made, the chances of making an Edina AA team below Bantam are very, very, slight.........
Anders Lee played youth hockey in Edina. There was a picture in the Strib just a month or 2 ago of Budish and Lee when they were Peewees.

Wow, the current group of 3rd year mites are going to be dissapointed. The majority of those playing Choice came back to the EHA for their final year. Hopefully those 2 years when they were 6/7/8 will be enough to give them a crack at the top team.

"Loaded with kids from outside Edina" - that's a joke.

You can't stand it

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:56 pm
Hope to run out of ink soon? Can't take a good discussion? No facts, except one team knocked out of the State's? Do you coach, play, lived anywhere else?

I don't drink the MN Made Kool Aide. Not saying it is even good for hockey. Bernie, wants AAA in MN, and he will get it.

Last year's NHL draft. How many MN HS players taken before round 5? Yes, Nanne was taken in round 7 as a Junior because he was 19 already!!!!! Hurley is elidgible this year as a Junior because he will be 19.

I will give some of you guys a break, and let you come up with some real arguments. Maybe then, you will stop calling people names and support your statements with some data.

Mite come back

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:58 pm
The mites came back because Edina changed the mite program!!! they made it a travel team. And where did they come back from????

Re: You can't stand it

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:13 pm
by O-townClown
SKMN wrote:Hurley is elidgible this year as a Junior because he will be 19.
Hurley will be 19 when? In the future. Just like I'll be 60 someday.

He is a Junior in HS because he is the age of a Junior in HS. He will turn 18 in September, during his Senior year.

With few exceptions, you turn 6 in Kindergarten or the summer following, 7 in 1st Grade, and so on up through 12th. Just add 6 to the grade and that is what age kids turn in that grade (or the summer following).

Minnesota has always been a state where boys born in the summer are often starting school a year later. This affects some (many) July/August born boys. It is not the case with Hurley.

Hurley is born awfully close to the cutoff for the NHL Draft.


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:42 pm
You are right, Hurley will be 18 on 9/15 which is the cutoff for the draft. Hope he still goes in the first round, but his stock is dropping a bit in the last 6 games. Good kid as well.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:49 pm
SKMN you have done a great job advertising MM. I didn't know they hired a marketing director. "Bernie wants winter AAA and he will have it" Very passionate. Had it lost it. "Edina MM saviors" and then there is the Super Squirt thread.

Well its that time of year to fill all of the spring and summer clinics so let get blogging!

Lot of the success with AAA at MM has been to attract all of the best local talent and then give them a ton of ice time. Of course the teams will be strong. If you look past the orange which this formula applies to, their teams are run of the mill. Even the MBlack. They only do well because they load up their tournament rosters with orange players and/or play in open tournaments. Smoke and mirrors.

But now the younger MM teams are slipping and are no longer attracting all of the best talent and other programs are getting more competitive with well coached ice time.

The good thing is more good program choices means better competition LOCALLY between the higher end AAA teams which has been lacking.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:10 pm
by the_juiceman
maybe Edina will make a monument of the PeeWee AA Team and put it out front at Braemar & MM

Re: Edina HS Hockey

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:01 pm
by MrBoDangles
goaliewithfoggedglasses wrote:
SKMN wrote:Connor Hurley, the best player by far for Edina HS, is from Eagan. Munson is from Apple Valley. Anders Lee transferred from St Thomas and they introduced the Anders Lee rule to MN sports. But you probably knew that. The Edina hockey association is loaded with kids from outside of Edina, that go to school there. Best schools in the state, and best hockey program. No, you're right no parent would do that to their kid, especially a hockey parent:) Why would you subject your kid to that kind of treatment.

One more thing. Unless your kid played at MN Made, the chances of making an Edina AA team below Bantam are very, very, slight.........
Anders Lee played youth hockey in Edina. There was a picture in the Strib just a month or 2 ago of Budish and Lee when they were Peewees.

Wow, the current group of 3rd year mites are going to be dissapointed. The majority of those playing Choice came back to the EHA for their final year. Hopefully those 2 years when they were 6/7/8 will be enough to give them a crack at the top team.

"Loaded with kids from outside Edina" - that's a joke.
Anders was an extremely talented kid that moved away from the St. Francis Association as a second year Squirt or first year Peewee.

He was a little stud before he moved to Edina.

Just a fyi

Re: One more thing

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:17 pm
by Section 8 guy
SKMN wrote:Would you rather play for your HS team, or play for MN against the rest of the country for the National Championship? Play in the World Pee Wee championships in Quebec against the world, or on the local association team?
I don't know. I wonder what Herb Brooks or Neal Broten would say?

Re: One more thing

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:49 am
by Shinbone_News
Section 8 guy wrote:
SKMN wrote:Would you rather play for your HS team, or play for MN against the rest of the country for the National Championship? Play in the World Pee Wee championships in Quebec against the world, or on the local association team?
I don't know. I wonder what Herb Brooks or Neal Broten would say?
Plenty of kids would say they'd rather play with their childhood friends on a HS team that makes it to State. Anybody who's been to nationals versus the State tourney knows that State is by far a bigger deal in terms of spectators, media attention, etc. And as BSM and STA have proven against SSM this year, not to mention Edina PWAA against Detroit's finest, there's a strong case to be made that State actually meets and maybe even exceeds Nationals in terms of the quality of play.

Personally, I'd like to see MN Hockey play both ways by simply changing the effing age groups, and the MSHL getting their heads out of their breezers.