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Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:04 pm
by Can't Never Tried
zippitydoda wrote: By the way, George, aren't you on the taxpayers dime when you're on this board?
As long is it's not the food stamps, or welfare dime.
I think there are a lot bigger fish to go after zippy! :wink:

Sweet! My hip boots still fit! Getting deep.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:27 pm
by bigwheelXXX
Hey folks. I had to call one of my old cronies in St.Cloud to get the rundown. Apollo has had some nice players the passt few years, yes. But did those guys stay around to make the program great? Only the two top dogs that I can think of the stayed the whole career, were Harrington and Schwartz. Sauers, Howe, Hartmans, Henkemeyer and maybe some I'm missing, all left early. Was it because of coaching? I don't know. Trebil at Holy Angels loses guys every year too, to the USHL or NAHL. So do other so called great coaches. So are we really blaming coaches? Maybe there's someone else to blame? I'd start with the, "My kid is the next Crosby" type parents. The same ones who think the grass is always greener, will still leave if St.Cloud can't offer their kid the D1 dream.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:44 pm
by zippitydoda
God, here comes youth hockey again with Goose's assertion that some didn't play on Bantam A because of attitudes.....funny that they told the association it was the coach (who the defectors had never played for) and others said financial reasons. So either they lied or you got your facts wrong. 98 percent are Tech bound -- there's some good talent coming in to mix with some good returning players. Should be a fun three or four years.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:10 pm
by BlueGoose5
zippitydoda wrote:God, here comes youth hockey again with Goose's assertion that some didn't play on Bantam A because of attitudes.....funny that they told the association it was the coach (who the defectors had never played for) and others said financial reasons. So either they lied or you got your facts wrong. 98 percent are Tech bound -- there's some good talent coming in to mix with some good returning players. Should be a fun three or four years.
Some definitely didn't play Bantam A because of attitudes of the Tech bound and others because of finances. Remember, the Goose slams Tech because of facts, not for fun.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:36 pm
by zippitydoda
Well, for whatever reason, it seems like everyone had a good year and had fun by splitting -- sounds like a recipe to follow in the future.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:40 pm
by George Blanda
zippitydoda wrote:Well, for whatever reason, it seems like everyone had a good year and had fun by splitting -- sounds like a recipe to follow in the future.
Sounds good to me, just keep the Cathedral kids in the Apollo program.

I wonder which association JD Donovan would sponsor.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:46 pm
by 2pipesnin
zippy - I hate to bust your bubble but Tech has been getting most of the top players off the bantam A team for the last 6 year and never has done anything with them as a team or developed them much as individuals.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:33 pm
by Goldy Gopher
Fireman66 wrote:
Goldy Gopher wrote:
zippitydoda wrote:Hartmanns did switch to Apollo, whch would make sense, since the live on the northside. Besides, Apollo had some talented players when Matt switched over to go there. They had enough talent to go to state but didn't. Coaching? That seems to be the usual suspect from reading others on this board.
The reason that they didn't go to state is because they lost to the number one team in the state in OT in the section final. Don't think coaching has much to do with that loss.
Just who was that #1 team in the state :-k
That team was Roseau

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:35 pm
by Goldy Gopher
2pipesnin wrote:Thank you for the spelling correction of the hartmann name.

My point is that the harmann family and maybe Hines and Saurer(s) were the only families to jump to a "AA" school (Apollo was AA then) for pure exposure reasons (hartmanns just used CHS as a stepping stone). Sartell may not have a had a team yet for the other two.
So why are not more talented hockey players in the area jumping over to Tech since they are the only AA school for exposure?

They do in Duluth every year!

I'll answer that question for you. Kids will get more "exposure" on a very good A team than they will on an average at best AA team.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:06 pm
by zippitydoda
If the last post was meant to mean more "exposure" on an A team than an average (at best) AA team, it didn't seem to keep R. J. Linder, Travis Winter and Johnny Swanson from getting enough notice to play D1 hockey, with a few others playing DIII.

Let's face it 99 percent of kids aren't going to play hockey beyond high school (not counting beer league). For those select 1 percent, it doesn't matter if they play A or AA. If you're that good, they'll find you, no matter where you're playing.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:18 pm
by Goldy Gopher
zippitydoda wrote:If the last post was meant to mean more "exposure" on an A team than an average (at best) AA team, it didn't seem to keep R. J. Linder, Travis Winter and Johnny Swanson from getting enough notice to play D1 hockey, with a few others playing DIII.

Let's face it 99 percent of kids aren't going to play hockey beyond high school (not counting beer league). For those select 1 percent, it doesn't matter if they play A or AA. If you're that good, they'll find you, no matter where you're playing.
If you can show me where I said that Tech players won't get enough notice to play D1, I'll agree with you.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:34 am
by zippitydoda
Fair enough. Notice I said "if" it was meant to imply that. The whole point is that kids go to St. Cloud schools for a variety of reasons, often having nothing to do with hockey. One earlier post says several players should have stayed with private schools and they could have had the experience of playing at a state tourney, implying kids from Tech or Apollo moved for exposure reasons.

Don't know about Apollo, but to my knowledge, no one on Tech switched, though two kids were supposed to go to Apollo and open enrolled at Tech. The long and short of it is people in St. Cloud generally stay put -- even before the transfer rule. And those that move rarely do so for hockey. As I said, the'll hear about you if you have the talent.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:01 pm
by Goldy Gopher
zippitydoda wrote: people in St. Cloud generally stay put -- even before the transfer rule. And those that move rarely do so for hockey.
We have reached an agreement.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:58 pm
by BlueGoose5
Goldy Gopher wrote:
zippitydoda wrote: people in St. Cloud generally stay put -- even before the transfer rule. And those that move rarely do so for hockey.
We have reached an agreement.

No you haven't. The reason kids don't leave Tech is the arrogance that prevails in that program and that it would be a low stoop to cross over to Apollo and especially to Cathedral.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:47 pm
by zippitydoda
What in the name of Wayne Gretzky is Goose talking about now?

We were making the point there are other more important reasons to choose a school other than hockey. Where did the arrogance card come in? For your own mental health, please try fixating on something else other than your perceived Tech arrogance.

You want to know why Tech kids don't move to CHS? Money is usually the main factor, but that's okay when some families drop from Bantam A (the right level for them) to play B1 because of financial reasons. And some people don't believe in the mod schedule Apollo has rammed down people's throats for years (finally now backing off that). I hate to break it to you, Goose, but life choices don't always involve hockey, though that seems to be the only thing that comes into play in your world.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:58 pm
by Goldy Gopher
zippitydoda wrote:What in the name of Wayne Gretzky is Goose talking about now?

We were making the point there are other more important reasons to choose a school other than hockey. Where did the arrogance card come in? For your own mental health, please try fixating on something else other than your perceived Tech arrogance.

You want to know why Tech kids don't move to CHS? Money is usually the main factor, but that's okay when some families drop from Bantam A (the right level for them) to play B1 because of financial reasons. And some people don't believe in the mod schedule Apollo has rammed down people's throats for years (finally now backing off that). I hate to break it to you, Goose, but life choices don't always involve hockey, though that seems to be the only thing that comes into play in your world.
The families I know from Tech are a lot better off than a bunch of the Cathedral families I know.

I'm curious as to what you have against modular scheduling. It helps the kids who will end up at a college by giving them a college type schedule and teaches everyone that they have to be responsible for themselves. Don't see too many negatives there.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:20 pm
by zippitydoda
It's not that I have anything against it, but many do. The reason: It does help those kids who are disciplined students, but many freshman and sophmores and even juniors need some structure if not A LOT of structure because they are mature enough to manage their own time.

I think a couple years ago they started scaling back mod scheduling for all and phased it in rather than start freshmen off with it. It was very popular back in the 70s and 80s but was discontinued in most schools that tried it. Apollo apparently has decided to go back to a regular schedule.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:21 pm
by zippitydoda
Sorry, that should have said are not mature enough.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:31 am
by BlueGoose5
zippitydoda wrote:What in the name of Wayne Gretzky is Goose talking about now?

I hate to break it to you, Goose, but life choices don't always involve hockey, though that seems to be the only thing that comes into play in your world.
I hate to break it to you Zippy, but this is a hockey forum.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:37 am
by darkdemon
Goldy Gopher wrote:The families I know from Tech are a lot better off than a bunch of the Cathedral families I know.
I'll agree with that one.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:50 pm
by Blue&Gold
zippitydoda wrote:It could be sarcasm.......I can't keep them all straight, sarcasm, irony, satire. I didn't do well in English or speech.
Tech education? :lol:

Couldn't resist. Sorry.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:53 pm
by Fireman66
darkdemon wrote:
Goldy Gopher wrote:The families I know from Tech are a lot better off than a bunch of the Cathedral families I know.
I'll agree with that one.
In most cases yes

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:18 pm
by zippitydoda
No, actually didn't go there -- don't think it would have mattered, anyway, but I actually went to a Catholic school for six years -- not kidding.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:06 pm
by BlueGoose5
zippitydoda wrote:No, actually didn't go there -- don't think it would have mattered, anyway, but I actually went to a Catholic school for six years -- not kidding.
Well at least you're "saved".

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:48 pm
by Blue&Gold
BlueGoose5 wrote:
zippitydoda wrote:No, actually didn't go there -- don't think it would have mattered, anyway, but I actually went to a Catholic school for six years -- not kidding.
Well at least you're "saved".