Clinton proposes 401(k)s, matching funds ??

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Can't Never Tried
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Clinton proposes 401(k)s, matching funds ??

Post by Can't Never Tried »

Saw this on the news trailer today....
Why in the world does she think we should do this?... :?

Also one of my concerns would be who would be the trustee of the accounts??? the federal government?? we already have them helping themselves to social security.....bad idea....again.

But it's something to kick around on the "Bored" :D
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Post by goldy313 »

In a nutshell she proposes that each year after you put $5,000 into a 401K the Government would kick in an additional $1,000, providing your household income was under $60,000. If your household income was between $60,000 and $100,000 the Government kicks in $500 per year. This would be paid for by taxing estates valued at over $7 million.

My question is if your household income is less than $60,000 where in the heck do you find $5,000 a year to put away? That's 8.3% of your gross income if you make $60,000, more if you make less. Mathamatically it's beyond stupid, politically it might make some sense, but it seems to me since most people in that income bracket have little chance of saving the rquired $5,000 it's just a way for the Government to collect money under false pretenses.
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Post by BIAFP »

It actually makes more sense than her "Baby Bond" proposal. $5,000 bonds provided by the taxpayers as an incentive for single mothers to have more kids to get bigger welfare! She is one bright gal :roll:
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Re: Clinton proposes 401(k)s, matching funds ??

Post by tomASS »

Can't Never Tried wrote:Also one of my concerns would be who would be the trustee of the accounts??? the federal government?? we already have them helping themselves to social security.....bad idea....again.
My concern exactly. The last thing the federal goverment needs is additional monies to collect and then play the shell game with
fighting all who rob or plunder
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Post by packerboy »

This is absurd but so perfectly liberal and a good way to get elected.

There are a lot more people making <60k -100k than have 7 milion dollar estates. So its a vote getter.

But this is nuts. The Gov't taxing one segment of society to pay for the retirement of another.

Commie, pinko , liberal socialists.

Next, we will charge for a gallon of milk based on your income. "You make more than $100,000/year so we have to charge you double"

Why bother accumulating wealth if the gov't is just going to take it away and give it to those that didnt .
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Post by Stealth »

She is a JOKE!
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Post by BIAFP »

Easy guys.......her twin brother Govs93 is going to take exception to your comments.
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Post by Govs93 »

I think most everybody knows my leanings... but this is an election ploy. Trustees aside, I had similar math to what goldy had, and it just doesn't make sense. Sounds good until you sit down and figure out how it all translates into the budget of somebody making less than $60k. 8-12% of the income of somebody making that kind of scratch going into retirement just isn't realistic in most cases - particularly those with families.

It's not necessarily a "commie", "pinko", blahblah.... just not well thought out... similar to most of the current administration's practices! Who says she's not not trying to nab the moderate bible thumpers?!
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Post by Govs93 »

BIAFP wrote:Easy guys.......her twin brother Govs93 is going to take exception to your comments.
Nice try... read above. Unlike the right (wrong) (you), I'm not a sheep.
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Post by BIAFP »

Govs93 wrote:
BIAFP wrote:Easy guys.......her twin brother Govs93 is going to take exception to your comments.
Nice try... read above. Unlike the right (wrong) (you), I'm not a sheep.

FISH (sheephead) ON! :lol:
Last edited by BIAFP on Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Govs93 »

BIAFP wrote:
Govs93 wrote:
BIAFP wrote:Easy guys.......her twin brother Govs93 is going to take exception to your comments.
Nice try... read above. Unlike the right (wrong) (you), I'm not a sheep.

FISH ON! :lol:
Hilarious! Call me out individually and call it "fishing". Very clever. Image
Can't Never Tried
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Post by Can't Never Tried »

If she wanted votes she should suggest being able to fund college for your kids from your current 401K account... tax and penalty free.

Sure...they have 529 plans now, but they didn't when I started my 401K, and not in nearly enough time to put enough of the needed funds into it.

Ah crap..... I still couldn't vote for her but I sure would like to see that as a provision.

I also agree why should one person be forced pay for someone elses retirement....socialism???
Neutron 14
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Post by Neutron 14 »

Its pandering season, and Hillary comes out blasting with both barrels. The rest are not far behind. Love the milk analogy pb. Next we'll hear "Its for the children!". Scuse me, I'm going to get sick....
The only soft spot I see is the one between my legs
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Post by BIAFP »

Can't Never Tried wrote:
I also agree why should one person be forced pay for someone elses retirement....socialism???
Entitlement/liberalism........"I exist therefore I should get, even though I do nothing to deserve it"
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Post by packerboy »

Go easy on old Govs.

Govs was raised on the East Side of St Paul which is a breeding ground for liberal politics and a Democratic strong hold and like I always say:

You can take a guy out of the east side but you cant take the east side out of the guy.

He will come around later in life when he gets sick to his stomach reading his Social Security statement ; and paying income taxes that make his efforst seem meaningless, while trying to get his kids through college; all while some Democrat finds a way to take more from him while pandering for votes.

Thats all this stuff is and the Democrats are masterful at it. They propose stuff that takes away money from one segment ,which is small, and gives it to another ,which is big, to get elected.

It doesnt have to make any sense and usually doesnt but they dont care.

Get rid of the Congress, make the Rebublican Party the National Party , elect Bush President for Life, and lets keep this country moving ahead.
Can't Never Tried
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Post by Can't Never Tried »

packerboy wrote: He will come around later in life when he gets sick to his stomach reading his Social Security statement ; and paying income taxes that make his efforst seem meaningless, while trying to get his kids through college;ad.
Geez that that's what's wrong with me :oops: I've been taking those Pepcid tablets thinking it was acid reflux or something, but you just named my symptoms....well it's off to the beer store now that I know it's not my stomach :D
east hockey
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Post by east hockey »

packerboy wrote:
Get rid of the Congress, make the Rebublican Party the National Party , elect Bush President for Life, pump more billions of dollars into a pointless, endless war, ignore social needs, ignore education needs, and run this country straight into the ground.
Fixed your post. Image

Message Board arsonist since 2005
Egomaniac since 2006
Neutron 14
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Post by Neutron 14 »

You had me until the last sentence pb. Then you went south. Like Argentina south.
The only soft spot I see is the one between my legs
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Post by packerboy »

I know but I was getting too serious and it scared me.

OK Mr Lee Liberal, lets poor more billions into "social needs", whatever the Boof that is, and Education.

Oh yah, I forgot about education.

It isnt education anymore, its an extension of welfare. Its more about proper nutritioin than books. Your Liberal pals keep throwing money at it and it doesnt get any better. i

Id rather kill terrorists with the dough than flush it down the toilet by spending it on "education".
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Post by Govs93 »

packerboy wrote:
OK Mr Lee Liberal, lets poor more billions into "social needs"
Spelling error or another one of those conservative "Freudian slips"? You decide.

Either way it's wrong! :wink:
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Post by BIAFP »

Govs93 wrote:
packerboy wrote:
OK Mr Lee Liberal, lets poor more billions into "social needs"
Spelling error or another one of those conservative "Freudian slips"? You decide.

Either way it's wrong! :wink:
If it's not RIGHT's WRONG :roll:
Neutron 14
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Post by Neutron 14 »

BIAFP wrote:If it's not RIGHT's WRONG :roll:
Conrad Burns - Former Sen. Burns was the largest recipient of Abramoff-related money in the U.S. Senate, and made calls urging the Department of Interior to award federal grants to an Abramoff client. That effort failed and Burns later inserted an earmark directing the grant in an appropriations bill.
Larry Craig - Sen. Craig pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in incident where police report documented conduct in a Minneapolis airport restroom. Craig also returned $43,500 in campaign contributions received from Brent Wilkes and his business associates after an Idaho repored that he sponsored an amendment to earmark a $3 million contract to Wilkes’ company.
Bill Frist - The Securities and Exchange Commission in investigating whether Frist, the former Senate Majority Leader engaged in insider trading, selling off holdings in HCA immediately before its value plummeted.
Ted Stevens - Sen. Stevens home in Alaska was raided in July 2007 by the FBI and IRS looking for evidence in connection with an investigation of a remodeling project conducted by VECO.
David Vitter - Sen. Vitter acknowledged committing a "very serious sin" after his number appeared five times in the records of what federal authorities say was a Washington call-girl operation
Tom DeLay
- Former Rep. DeLay resigned from Congress after being admonished by the ethics four times, being indicted for money laundering in Texas, and revelations showing numerous controversial ties to Jack Abramoff.
John Doolittle - In April 2007, the FBI raided Rep. Doolittle’s home in its investigation into ties between Doolittle and Jack Abramoff.
Tom Feeney - The U.S. House said that Rep. Feeney violated House rules by accepting a trip to Scotland. Feeney was required to pay the cost of the trip to the Treasury. He was later questioned by the FBI in the investigation into lobbying activities of Jack Abramoff.
Mark Foley - Former Rep. Foley resigned in September 2006 after the FBI and House Ethics Committee opened investigations into allegations that he sent suggestive emails and instant messages to teenaged current and former House pages.
Bob Ney - Former Rep. Ney was sentenced to 30 months in prison for corruption after pleading guilty to conspiracy and filing false financial disclosures.
Rick Renzi -In April 2007, the FBI raided an insurance company tied to Rep. Renzi. As a result of the raid, Renzi resigned from the House Intelligence Committee.
Curt Weldon - In September 2006, the FBI raided the homes of Rep. Curt Weldon's daughter and one of his closest political supporters as part of an investigation into whether the veteran Republican congressman used his influence to benefit himself and his daughter's lobbying firm, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The White House abuses are too numerous to mention.

The "Right" isnt right, its corrupt. And hardly fiscally conservative.

And the damn left wants to DELETED BY ADMIN.

Rock and a hard spot gentlemen, rock and a hard sopt....
The only soft spot I see is the one between my legs
Can't Never Tried
Posts: 4345
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Post by Can't Never Tried »

Neutron 14 wrote:
BIAFP wrote:If it's not RIGHT's WRONG :roll:
Conrad Burns - Former Sen. Burns was the largest recipient of Abramoff-related money in the U.S. Senate, and made calls urging the Department of Interior to award federal grants to an Abramoff client. That effort failed and Burns later inserted an earmark directing the grant in an appropriations bill.
Larry Craig - Sen. Craig pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in incident where police report documented conduct in a Minneapolis airport restroom. Craig also returned $43,500 in campaign contributions received from Brent Wilkes and his business associates after an Idaho repored that he sponsored an amendment to earmark a $3 million contract to Wilkes’ company.
Bill Frist - The Securities and Exchange Commission in investigating whether Frist, the former Senate Majority Leader engaged in insider trading, selling off holdings in HCA immediately before its value plummeted.
Ted Stevens - Sen. Stevens home in Alaska was raided in July 2007 by the FBI and IRS looking for evidence in connection with an investigation of a remodeling project conducted by VECO.
David Vitter - Sen. Vitter acknowledged committing a "very serious sin" after his number appeared five times in the records of what federal authorities say was a Washington call-girl operation
Tom DeLay
- Former Rep. DeLay resigned from Congress after being admonished by the ethics four times, being indicted for money laundering in Texas, and revelations showing numerous controversial ties to Jack Abramoff.
John Doolittle - In April 2007, the FBI raided Rep. Doolittle’s home in its investigation into ties between Doolittle and Jack Abramoff.
Tom Feeney - The U.S. House said that Rep. Feeney violated House rules by accepting a trip to Scotland. Feeney was required to pay the cost of the trip to the Treasury. He was later questioned by the FBI in the investigation into lobbying activities of Jack Abramoff.
Mark Foley - Former Rep. Foley resigned in September 2006 after the FBI and House Ethics Committee opened investigations into allegations that he sent suggestive emails and instant messages to teenaged current and former House pages.
Bob Ney - Former Rep. Ney was sentenced to 30 months in prison for corruption after pleading guilty to conspiracy and filing false financial disclosures.
Rick Renzi -In April 2007, the FBI raided an insurance company tied to Rep. Renzi. As a result of the raid, Renzi resigned from the House Intelligence Committee.
Curt Weldon - In September 2006, the FBI raided the homes of Rep. Curt Weldon's daughter and one of his closest political supporters as part of an investigation into whether the veteran Republican congressman used his influence to benefit himself and his daughter's lobbying firm, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The White House abuses are too numerous to mention.

The "Right" isnt right, its corrupt. And hardly fiscally conservative.

And the damn left wants to DELETED BY ADMIN.

Rock and a hard spot gentlemen, rock and a hard sopt....
This is just in the past few years....that Oath of Office sure means a lot...kind of like having the hand shake before the game :roll:
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Too numerous to mention?

Post by Knowlzee »

The White House abuses are too numerous to mention.

While you are at it, Neut, I think you should mention them, least a few,......"White House abuses".
Irishmans Shanty
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Post by Irishmans Shanty »

Politics Made Simple

Socialism - you have two cows, give one to your neighbor
Communism - you have two cows, give both to the government, the Government gives you milk.
Capitalism - you sell one cow and get a bull.
Fascism - you have two cows, give the milk to the government, the government sells the milk back to you
Nazism - The government shoots you and takes the cows.
Anarchism - keep your two cows, steal someone elses, shoot the government when they come to do something about it.
Liberalism - give away one cow, get the government to give you a new cow. Now give them both away.

People with a few more miles on their odometer keep telling me that the political arena is more polarized than ever. I can't dispute that because it seemed to me that when the big chair in Washington is up for grabs the two parties used to squeeze to the middle and tried to appeal to the masses, I don't see that happening next November.