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Show some humility

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:49 am
by hockeygoof1
Congrats to the Hornets. You played great. It's easy to see why folks don't like you. Show just a bit of humility when you score and you're five goals ahead. I understand when a game is won in overtime, a kid would get excited. But a four or five goal lead would call for some humility. If one of my kids dropped to one knee and did the fist pump, we'd have a talk. These guys would put the NFL to shame. Even the radio announcers were sick of it. I agree.

Re: Show some humility

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:07 am
by nwhockey
hockeygoof1 wrote:Congrats to the Hornets. You played great. It's easy to see why folks don't like you. Show just a bit of humility when you score and you're five goals ahead. I understand when a game is won in overtime, a kid would get excited. But a four or five goal lead would call for some humility. If one of my kids dropped to one knee and did the fist pump, we'd have a talk. These guys would put the NFL to shame. Even the radio announcers were sick of it. I agree.
The preacher called, he needs his soap box back.

Re: Show some humility

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:12 am
by sachishi4
hockeygoof1 wrote:Congrats to the Hornets. You played great. It's easy to see why folks don't like you. Show just a bit of humility when you score and you're five goals ahead. I understand when a game is won in overtime, a kid would get excited. But a four or five goal lead would call for some humility. If one of my kids dropped to one knee and did the fist pump, we'd have a talk. These guys would put the NFL to shame. Even the radio announcers were sick of it. I agree.
when you are constantly being run and having head shots taken at you, you can go ahead and celebrate. Both teams could learn a lesson from their actions.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:47 am
by hockeygoof1
If my memory serves me right, weren't there similar incidents in last year's tournament involving two of the higher profile kids on Edina? As an opposing player, I'd probably take a swipe at another player trying to show me up. There's excitement and then there's just a lack of class. In the words of a local legend, "Pretend like you've been there before. " I couldn't agree more. :roll:

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:59 am
by jeffpv
I have no dog in this fight -- and certainly have no love for the Hornets -- but I watched the entire game and LN was truly being classless towards the end.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:43 am
by sinbin
Edina came out on top on the scoreboard, but neither team came out on top in the 'class' department. Sad.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:07 am
by SidneysDogHouse
I agree with a lot of this, but LN got away some pretty obvious calls in the first half of the game. Their game plan was to disrupt Edina's flow, problem is, you can't hit what you can't catch. So, they got ugly with their sticks, which was ungodly ugly on Friday against Snuggs. Counted at least 5 times they two fisted his left hand...that's classless. This isn't junior hack hockey, stop coaching it! Play the game, and don't act like a "C" Bantam team when things don't go your way. The brothers are great players, but leave it at that, stop always having to slash someone, or elbow after a whistle, etc. etc. etc. Move your feet, play the body and take your hits when they come, and stop whining! The dive at center ice by 4...are you kidding me???? Probably one of the most embarrassing things I've seen in HS hockey. The leave-your-feet-cross-check at the end of the game...? The "I think I'm dead" lay on the ice after a slight board check, then I'll pop up after the call!!!! C'mon, I know Edina isn't exactly loveable, but I think many had hoped LN could do it, now they're going to be remembered for the worst debacle in tourney history! An embarrassing, classless, childish debacle!

As far as Edina celebrating...I usually dislike it, but when a team is acting like North...actions and scoreboards speak louder than words and slashes! Celebrate it...all day long!

Off my soapbox now...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:42 am
by keepyourheadup
Unfortunately the crap we saw last night is really just a commentary on where sports have been heading for a while now. Lack of respect for the game and your opponent has become commonplace, just watch an NFL or NBA game and its pretty obvious where its coming from. While last nights debacle might be the best example of the weekend it certainly wasn't the only one. This whole "celly" thing has just gotten way out of hand. For those old enough to remember there was a time when after a goal was scored the team involved instantly came together to congratulate one and other. Now half the time the kid is racing away from his team mates to go through some bizarre ritual that does little more than scream "hey everybody look at me, I scored...not so much the team, but ME. Back in the day Bill Goldsworthy had a unique way of celebrating and it was coined the "goldie shuffle" What people don't remember is he did it very seldom and it was really quite understated.

The third period nonsense last night was avoidable. Behavior like that can paint a whole program and even a whole community in a bad light. To be running around gooning it up with less than 5 minutes to go while getting smoked was an awful way to end what had been a great run. Didn't one of the adults on that bench think maybe we should talk to the kids about not embarrassing themselves. Very disappointing!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:13 am
by HShockeywatcher
Totally agree with the comments about Lakeville North.
I hadn't seen them play since, but in their 5th game of the season they were doing some of the same things and a late boarding hit turned into a game misconduct and ejection when the player on the opposing team was unresponsive for minutes [and didn't play for weeks after]. At the time, the player was waving his arms to get the crowd to cheer (while there's an unresponsive player on the ice), the crowd was cheering and the coach was arguing with the refs.
While I definitely blame the refs in that game for letting things get to that point, attitude starts at the top. There are teams that never do things like this. There's a reason.

As for Edina; are we really complaining that kids playing in the state championship game can't celebrate? That
It's also important to note, imo, that of their 8 goals, 6 different players scored. It doesn't matter what your team has done prior, when you get your first, or even second, goal of a game, especially the state championship, you're going to celebrate. I agree that playing in a section quarterfinal or semifinal and celebrating like this when the other team is bad is silly. But I have a hard time complaining when it happens in this game.
The play of North just adds to it.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:21 am
by BlueLineSpecial
For those debating the origin of this game devolving into a joke, it lies squarely on LN. Coming into the third period, LN had 4+ minutes left on the 5 minute penalty Tyler Nanne took at the end of the second. LN did absolutely nothing on this power play and I saw a distinct change in attitude at that point. That's the exact point LN started hacking and hooking and taking a few extra strides to 'finish checks'. That was where the game changed. I don't blame Edina a bit for running up the score a little at that point. Frankly I'm surprised they didn't retaliate and I'm glad they didn't because the way LN was acting it would have turned into the ending of Slapshot

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:24 am
by BobSaget
BlueLineSpecial wrote:For those debating the origin of this game devolving into a joke, it lies squarely on LN. Coming into the third period, LN had 4+ minutes left on the 5 minute penalty Tyler Nanne took at the end of the second. LN did absolutely nothing on this power play and I saw a distinct change in attitude at that point. That's the exact point LN started hacking and hooking and taking a few extra strides to 'finish checks'. That was where the game changed. I don't blame Edina a bit for running up the score a little at that point. Frankly I'm surprised they didn't retaliate and I'm glad they didn't because the way LN was acting it would have turned into the ending of Slapshot
Lakeville North gave us a look at the proverbial senior shift last night...which is usually only seen in the 14-1 section quarterfinal games. Certainly a rare sight in the state tournament.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:30 am
by nobama
5 major every game i watched him play this season how many times did I watch him play. :?: ty a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree who is next.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:35 am
by keepyourheadup
Celebrating is not the issue here, its how you celebrate. This is not an issue that is unique to Edina, its happening at every level and all organizations. The truth is you see less of it in the NHL because all the Canadian kids know if you show up the other team like that you're likely to be spitting chicklets out at some point in the future. The game of Hockey is truly a TEAM sport and it seems that message is being eroded slowly but surely. I remember when one of Lecy brothers from Rochester scored a big goal against Edina back in 77, while he let go with a crazy celebration it was 100% raw emotion and unrehearsed. Thats a far cry from the rehearsed Tebowing/superman BS we see regularly now. I guess it just seems like the best and most important part of any game, sportsmanship, is being devalued at an alarming rate.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:55 am
by stmartin123
keepyourheadup wrote:Celebrating is not the issue here, its how you celebrate. This is not an issue that is unique to Edina, its happening at every level and all organizations. The truth is you see less of it in the NHL because all the Canadian kids know if you show up the other team like that you're likely to be spitting chicklets out at some point in the future. The game of Hockey is truly a TEAM sport and it seems that message is being eroded slowly but surely. I remember when one of Lecy brothers from Rochester scored a big goal against Edina back in 77, while he let go with a crazy celebration it was 100% raw emotion and unrehearsed. Thats a far cry from the rehearsed Tebowing/superman BS we see regularly now. I guess it just seems like the best and most important part of any game, sportsmanship, is being devalued at an alarming rate.
I totally agree with you, Its how these kids are celebrating and its not specific to just Edina, every team is doing it. Every time I see a player score a goal and then skate away from their teammates to jump on the boards or drop down on one knee, it really peeves me. I honestly think the coaches need to address this issue. They shouldnt have to, but its kind of getting ridiculous.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:56 am
by Sk8 Str8
For those debating the origin of this game devolving into a joke, it lies squarely on LN. Coming into the third period, LN had 4+ minutes left on the 5 minute penalty Tyler Nanne took at the end of the second. LN did absolutely nothing on this power play and I saw a distinct change in attitude at that point. That's the exact point LN started hacking and hooking and taking a few extra strides to 'finish checks'. That was where the game changed. I don't blame Edina a bit for running up the score a little at that point. Frankly I'm surprised they didn't retaliate and I'm glad they didn't because the way LN was acting it would have turned into the ending of Slapshot
Well put. I am no Hornet fan, in fact most of the state was looking to cheer for LN in this game...but LN brought everything on themselves. The cheap shots...taking dives (that actually resulted in penalties, may be embarrassing to watch the film for the ref crew), cross checks to the neck...Was there no adult anywhere near the LN bench?

The celly's are out of hand, but this was the High School State Championship game..a game these kids (and more importantly their Parents) have been focused on for literally since chance you get a "act like you been there before" attitude.

Icing on the cake may have been watching at least one LN player not able to shake hands during the post game handshake line...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:03 am
by Lazy Scout
Edina had every right to celebrate a goal in the State Championship. Just because Lakeville played an awful game doesn't mean that the other team can't celebrate. This is the State Championship, something these kids have worked hard to achieve. To take away a celebration just because the other team couldn't compete is ridiculous. I watched the game and didn't think any Edina player over celebrated. Should Lakeville of not celebrated the two goals they scored? Lakeville North has been overrated all season long....too bad some of the best teams were knocked off in sections. I do believe Edina had the easiest road to get to the Championship, but even so they are hands down the best team. Get use to seeing them at State, their youth program dominates at every level. Maybe people will cheer for the privates after all when they get sick of Edina winning for the next ten years.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:19 am
by goldy313
If you celebrate in high school football like some do in hockey you'll get a 15 yard penalty. I don't really get why the MSHSL or NFHS allows it one but not the other if sportsmanship is supposed to be an issue. It gets to be taunting and a Hermantown kid admitted as much after the New Prague game. Start handing out unsportsmanlike minors and it would end quick.

I like watching the Poehlings and they're very good players but #4 did the same against Farmington and drew a 5 minute major penalty on the Tigers. He flopped like an Italian soccer player and rolled around on the ice like he was shot, only to return less than a minute later.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:27 am
by keepyourheadup
Nobody would ever deny the kids the right to celebrate a goal, that is not in question here. Its the overall attitude of the game, rehearsed cellys to goonish and even dangerous play. Its issues like these that are chipping away at the integrity of our game. We all think its cute when we see a 6 year old mite do a celly when they score as a termite, too bad that 12 years later that same thing we thought was so cute has gotten so annoying that most long time hockey people just shake their heads in disgust. Real time emotional celebration..great, I'm all for it, Personalized rituals on the other hand are just a bunch of BS! Lemieux and Gretzky just raised there sticks and looked for a team mate.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:34 am
by BlueLineSpecial
I'm not a huge fan of the individual celebrations taking place, but I'm not so far down the spectrum that I loathe them either. Last year it was the Tebow and the floor mop. This year it was the Superman and what I think was shooting an arrow. They're okay I guess. I understand the sentiment that they should celebrate with their teammates and understand that they played a role in the goal. But you needn't look farther than Yon's gracious acceptance of the Herb Brooks award last night when he gave shoutouts specifically to his linemates, or to any one of these kids twitter feeds after a loss to end the season. These kids recognize that their teammates are a band of brothers. So I guess a couple seconds of showboating isn't going to hurt.

What'll it be next year? I'm voting for doing The Robot and/or playing air guitar while sliding on one knee :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:54 am
by old goalie85
The Urban Dictionary ?? I'm getting old !!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:15 am
by SECoach
I don't have a problem with celebrating after a goal, and it's tough to decide what the proper lead is to when you should stop celebrating.

I have a problem when a goal is scored, the goal scorer is approached by his teammates for a hug, and he deliberately skates away from them so he has some space to perform a ridiculous rehearsed maneuver. That's what happened last night. ANY rehearsed celey is silly and selfish.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:19 am
by sinbin
The question is, will the kids one day mature and recognize their selfish and childish behavior for what it is or will it perpetuate to another generation? There is no "I" in team, but there certainly is an "I" in Edina.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:19 am
by shakey
Does anyone know if the "other" Edina captain every got a chance to touch the trophy?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:34 am
by Lazy Scout
Reading into this way too much.... these are kids celebrating an exciting time in their lives. These players are not paid adult professionals, kids who love to play for the love of the game who love their teammates. Yes, I do believe they all got to touch the trophy while eating their cake too.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:35 am
by buttonupyrovercoat
Always love bad sportsmanship threads preaching good sportsmanship.