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puck 4 ever

Post by hockeyman15 »

U do have a point... but are u sure he dindnt try to talk to him? if anyone knows i would like to hear... because i have heard alot of stuff going on around town about these issues and its hard to know. I guess the only way is to ask him or somone on the team. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by puck4ever »

no im not sure if keith tried to talk to him, but i am assuming, which isn't always a good thing to do, that he didn't talk to him. just because i think austin would have tried harder if he was approached, and from past experience i dont think keith would talk to him. but i would like to know for sure, one of those things you have to hear from the horse's mouth though. i'll ask him next time i see him. <p></p><i></i>
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Nail in the coffin

Post by changeisgood »

As far as putting a nail in the coffin, that'll never happen until a change in leadership takes place. There are many bits and pieces of events throughout this past season to debate over but the real issue that needs attention is the major overhaul that is desperately needed if Virginia ever wants to have a successful hockey program. There is so much talent at the lower levels as well as at the high school level so why don't we see the results and why are there so many "favors" being handed out? Not every parent in this town has the "pull" needed for their son to be promised a position, or for their son to be moved to higher levels than their age should allow. How will this ever help these players to work together and gel as a team? We will continue to watch these tactics played out as long as the leadership in these programs remain the same. Would be nice to speak out and form a group that has these same feelings, but unless we would be successful in getting a change, we all know what'll happen to our son's chances of "fair play" as the years go on with the same old, same old garbage that follows this train! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Nail in the coffin

Post by Dons »

i meant to just shut up.!haha...this has been debated...debated again..and THEN again! the nail i was offering was for teh concealement and burial of this thread..not teh problems in virginia..only time will do that. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by puck4ever »

i agree that there are great favors handed out in the virginia program, but many favors are earned by the kids, and granted by the parents and coaches. when i was in the youth program, hibbing never, if not never then very rarely, allowed players to move up levels of hockey without being the correct age. look how wonderful the teams have been over the past few years. there is great chemistry on those teams, the chemistry and trust that is built over years of playing together, not that of having favors being handed out. parents need to take responsibility as well, do not let your kids move up to another team just because they are better than some other kids. let them form bonds at young ages and those around them better for future years. virginia needs to follow the lead of some other communities and stop with the favors. i believe, dons, the other person talking about the nail in the coffin knew what you meant, and was saying there will not be an end to these discussions untill a change is made, thats all he was saying. so he got your point. but you are a correct to a point dons, this has been overplayed, all of us contributing to it, but i believe it needs to be done if there is going to be a change in virginia hockey success. so hopefully there is a change soon so we can stop this debate and look forward to brighter days, and a job well done. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: The Scoop

Post by twinetickler »

Alright, people wanna know the truth, well i am good friends with grueser and have played with him for numerous years. he has tons of talent, and in my mind, never should have quit hockey, ever. Grueser would come to the rink each day and practice hard along with the rest of the team. 1 day, he had an off day like most kids do. he was slackin a bit and it showed, but that happens, nobody is perfect. after practice that day, in a previous practice we had gotten a sheet from coach hendrickson having us write down what we will do in a positive manner for the team, and our committment to the squad and what not. well anyway, after the "bad" practice for grueser, coach cornell came up to grueser and had him read the stuff grueser had written about what he will do at the rink each day out loud. i think it was the next day that coach hendrickson came up to grueser and other people about the line adjustments. grueser had been moved to fourth line, from 3rd, after 1 not so good practice. he talked to me about quitinb, and like a friend/teammate would do, i tried to convince him not to. now either he didnt want to play fourth line, or just coldnt find a love for the game anymore. to this day he still tells me it was because of the coaching. the next day, which i believe was the central game, grueser came to the rink, packed up his gear and was out. i dont think the coaches talked to him because he wasnt going to join in the beginning of the year and they just thought there was nothing they could do. in my opinion grueser should not have quit. our practices are fun and have good flow to them, it was fun to come to the rink each day, i, personally dont think we lost because of the coaching. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... tickler</A> at: 3/24/04 10:28 pm<br></i>
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Post by puck4ever »

thanks for letting us all know what happened, sort of, in your own terrible grammar that i couldn't understand haha. i think i got the point. gruesser quit because he got demoted after 1 bad practice, and got embarrassed by cornell in front of the whole team, which is also nothing new from the coaches, specifically cornell. he should not have quit for any reason, thats never the answer for a problem. he should have talked to the coaches, since you said they didn't want to talk to him because they thought he was a lost cause, which is assinine to hear that about any so-called coach. but austin should have been mature about the situation and stepped up to the coach, maybe things would have been different. and no, coaching wasn't the only reason for the loss, but it played a big role. and it wasn't a role just in the last 5 minutes of the game, the last game, or even just in the playoffs. it was a culmination of this season as well as seasons passed. it is an occurring trend that needs to be stopped soon. <p></p><i></i>