verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

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verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

Hey everybody. I was in contact with Verb via email, and he wrote up a final post for everybody. He requested that Lee not delete it, as you will read, and he had some other interesting things to say for everyone. So...enjoy your last taste of verb1999.<br><br>(Lee, at least have the decency to not delete this and let me say goodbye to these people. I've hung out here long enough, these people are friends...) I’ve got a few last words for the people of the board. I would like to announce that I appreciate all the support Verb received after my recent dishonorable discharge. I believe I was unfairly banned from the website, as I see many of my fans agree. I would like to shed some light on the event that led up to the banning so everyone understood what happened-as they deserve to- (isn't one of life's benefits to learn from other people's mistakes?) but that's not my call. I’d rather just stick to a few final words that hopefully won’t get deleted. Verb is one of a kind. He wasn’t placed here to fit in with the common mold of society. He was gifted with an original flavor that makes life spicy. Some do not understand that, and many are often confused by my presence. My intentions are not to offend, but to rather provide happiness and laughter through comic relief to a stressed out world. I provide innuendos and made up one liners that while are questionably tolerable, they still bring a smile to your face. I brought a new aura to the board, a funny one that made discussions much more interesting. Some took my ideas and ran with them, others were puzzled as to where I came up with them. I believe the ones who ran with it are who turned the board into a clown show, not Verb. But in the end, Verb was the initial instigator, and it was the man took control as one could have predicted being as we're in America, and he put an end to the fun. Just like it was a Jr. High classroom. (believe me-ever since 4th grade, I was frequently dismissed from class for being harmlessly silly as well)<br><br>But none of this changes the fact that I love high school hockey! A wise man once told me "There's nothing more entertaining than a high school hockey game." I had fun on the board shootin’ the breeze with all you other high school hockey heads while it lasted. Now I’d like to take the time on my final post to personalize, and call out names. I went to my friend’s house and looked at the aftermath of what happened. It was like a big filter-I was able to see who my true supporters/friends were, and who was just a part of the clown show. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

Slider19, pitbull44 & Winner62-I’m starting with you! While I didn’t get to know any of you very well, you all seam to enjoy me more than I enjoy myself. I thank you guys for trying to stick up for me. Winner you threw me off because you hated me earlier, but apparently you changed your mind. I wish I could hang out with ya more! Slider-you're awesome. We both know it. I die a legend and hand my crown down to you. You're a rookie, and that's take a big chance, but I feel a good vibe around ya. And that's not just when you're sleeping...wink wink. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

TimmyYo-I think you’re a close affiliate with my most favorite player in the game-just based on my observations of your posts. If indeed you are who I think you are (I could be wrong, and I‘ll sound like an idiot here). Either way, I’ll enjoy his last few games. I wish him the best of luck after the season…I’ll miss the kid next year!!! While I was never friends with him, he’s one of the most respectful kids to come out of Elk River, and not because of hockey. I saw him once at one party, where I learned he didn’t, and never was a drinker or smoker, etc. I admire him the most for that. A couple of his team mates were there, and nervous about him seeing them drink and whatever they were doing. It takes a strong person to be able to live out your entire school career and not touch any of the stuff. And excel in the game of hockey. I never met anyone other than myself who hung around the crowd, who wasn't afraid to not be into the legal or illegal drugs. (I learned early I didn't need drugs to make me act silly!) You really did raise a great kid…& I respect him more than he knows. Tell him to raise those breakaways top shelf. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

All you poem writers, Slappy, 0, whoever else is a big Moorhead fan, as I’m not a big fan of your Spuds, they have one of the most stellar programs in the state. I respect them for competing at a high level year after year. The area raises kids dedicated to the game. I like that. As much as I like them having dedicated fans like yourselves. You’re good people. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

Elliot, In the Corners, All you Centennial fans, SNIPES, anyone who I argued with-you are the people who I hated! I would come on here seeing you all talking trash about Elk River and get so stirred up I would HAVE to say something back to try to humiliate you, just as you tried to humiliate my favorite hockey team. But just as much as I hated you-I loved you. You are what made this board so great! You were the push that made it move. Without the opposition stirring it up, the Kool-Aid just won’t taste good!<br><br>JCLong-I don’t remember talking with you much personally, but you deserve some props. You supported me after I was thrown out, and I appreciate it. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

OsseoGeek-You made me love our cross town rivals Osseo just as much as I hate them. I will never forget, let go, nor will I ever stop being mad for 2000 sections, but other than that, you’re an alright guy. The conference games won’t be as fun without pushing each other around a bit before each game, but I’ll always be looking for the geekiest kid I can, saying “I bet that’s OsseoGuy” when I go to a game. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

Lee-I don’t understand you. I don’t really respect you much after banning me. Especially after you KNOW the person I was having fun arguing with (like I did every single day on here) is the one who deserved to be banned if anyone. He threatened me, googled and searched the internet for information about who I am and where I live, while I simply offered him cotton candy. You couldn’t even have the decency to throw both parties out. And I didn’t even get a warning. You could say two sentences to me: "Hey-Verb-tone it down. We can’t tolerate the humor anymore, if it doesn’t stop, you’ll get banned." Not a smart business move on your part to keep the disturbing guy who searches for other member’s personal information online around while throwing out the harmless fun loving comedian. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

EREmpire-You’re the most disgusting of them all. You’re a back stabbing jerk. We’re from the same town, we’ve helped each other argue points about how Elk River hockey rules ever since we met on here. And all of a sudden I’m banned and I deserve it? You never liked me anyways? Where did that come from? And there‘s a good chance Anoka could take out Elk River? Yea. Stay in Rogers, punk. I'm glad I don't have to associate with a mistrustful selfish person like yourself. I can only assume you talked bad about me to better yourself, saying you dislike my actions so Lee doesn't think the same about you as he did me. I hit the nail on the head didn't I? Unless you really did hate me all along and you're just a coward who can't speak his true mind in the first place. <br><br>BestActionShots-If you're not an affiliate of EREmpire, I don't know who you are. You tried to outsmart me and make me look bad in front of everyone, and you failed miserably. That is until Lee stepped in and helped you out. You just got some sick stroke of good luck that you somehow even though he wasn't involved, outsmarted Lee and made him think I was the bad guy. You're 100% evil. I fear for the safety of the rest of the board members with this guy, in his own words, lurking around. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Pitbull44 »

I guess I saved the best for last. This last one goes out to all the girls on the board. I really don't know what to say to you. I'll express my feelings through song [...even though I didn't write it...]. Look up the lyrics for, and download the song "Failure's Not Flattering" by New Found Glory.<br><br>To anyone I forgot…I don’t think people mean to forget. Sometimes it just happens. Don’t take it personally. Unless you’re any of the last couples names mentioned-you know I love you. <br>Elk River hockey will forever rule. I am not at home here. Verb is moving on to bigger pictures and better things. I don’t care what anyone thinks. For those that try to hard to, you’ll never understand me. Just like life itself. I will willingly leave somewhere where my presence is not wanted, but I will leave a lasting impression. P.S. I read you may have thought Verb came in under another alias. That’s not me. I have no desire to keep pestering people from somewhere I’ve been banned. Those are wannabe Verb imposters. You can probably tell the difference because their idiocy has no intellect.<br><br>I am now a ghost. Let the clown show continue…<br><br>Peace…and God bless. For the last time, verb1999. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by EREmpireStrikesBack »

You've got me wrong verb. Yes, I did agree with you getting booted in the end, but that was only because you changed. You used to make the jokes and say all the funny stuff, lately it has just been personal attacks to try to make humor. We just didn't need that on here. I did and always will love having you in the "same corner" against all the Elk-haters. I never said that I didn't like you because I do. I just didn't like the way that you posted in your last few weeks here. I think you are reading my posts wrong also. I didn't say that there was a good chance that Anoka could take out Elk River. I would never say that. The Elks are the greatest team out there and noone, and I mean noone, can beat them when they are on their game. All I said about Anoka is that they are a good team and shouldn't be a #8 seed. They as a #8 seed have the best chance of making a #8 over #1 upset and it just happens that ER is #1. Hell even if the "great & almighty" Moorhead was #1, I would say that Anoka has the best chance of a #8 seed to beat them. I'm sorry if I didn't say it quite clearly the first time.<br><br>Verb, you are always the best. There is no other Verb. You are the action word, noone else can top that. I hope that we will still chat and maybe someday meet and go egg people's houses or whatever you wanna do. If you don't want to take my apology/clarification, then that is your choice. I'm not gonna force anything. In all honesty, I wish you were still here, different than the way you left, but I still wish you were here. I miss ya man <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ... lasses.gif ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>Elk River AA State Champions- 2001 Boys & 2004 Girls</p><i></i>
Mitch Hawker
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Re: verb1999’s FINAL POST: Clown Show

Post by Mitch Hawker »

Good bye and good riddance.<br><br>This isn't a sex board.<br><br>There are plenty of minors who love hockey here, take your R-rated shtick somewhere else.<br><br>Anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about has no idea why verb was really banned, not that it is anyone else's business.<br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... wker>Mitch Hawker</A> at: 2/18/05 3:49 pm<br></i>
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