Hill outduels BSM 7-2

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Hill outduels BSM 7-2

Post by Sparlimb »

Benilde impressed me for the second game in a loss (saw them against CDH last week). They had 4 breakaways against Hill and almost had 3 or 4 others. Hill was the stronger team but it was still anybody's game going into the third period. Three things killed Benilde in this game. They didn't do well shorthanded (2 or 3 pp goals for Hill) they did even worse on the powerplay (no goals and gave up 2 shorthanded) and I don't think they won a faceoff. I noticed #18 was a captain on the roster who didn't play, so maybe that made a difference. Benilde is a very young team with only 3 seniors on the roster. I think they will improve throughout the year and be ripe to pick someone off in sections. I don't see how they can win 6AA, but they have a chance to beat a few teams. Hill on the other hand played a pretty boring game until the third. Once they popped in 2 goals to take a 5-2 lead it was over and Hill just started having fun after that. 7-2 looks like a blowout, but until the 3rd period it was anything but. Anyway, the undefeated season continues. <p></p><i></i>
Grovetown Scotty
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Re: Hill outduels BSM 7-2

Post by Grovetown Scotty »

I was impressed with the play of BSM through two periods. I liked their two sophomore D-Men McCarthy and Student. Very well coached team with Larry Hendrickson. Like I said good game through 2. The goal Hill got at the end of the 2nd seemed to take the wind out of their sails. Mike Hoeffel by far the best player I've seen this year. This kid is a good one. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hill outduels BSM 7-2

Post by LookForTheWebbing »

I wasn't able to see the whole game but from what I did see. I could tell the difference in size and strength that comes with maturity. I was impressed with BSM having 9 players in 10th grade or younger. They have a bright future. <br><br>I was disappointed to see that Nick Pryor only played 2 shifts in the time I was there. If this kid is verbally committed to Wisconsin why does he not get any time on the ice.<br><br>Does anyone know what happened to BSM defensemen Borer He was injured in the second period. To bad to he was playing well (one assist). For a freshmen he gets a lot of clock. Is he better then Pryor? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hill outduels BSM 7-2

Post by nolookpassguy »

Kind of an off night for the Pioneers last night. They pretty much just went thru the motions the 1st 2 periods and picked up the pace a little more in the 3rd. I was impressed with Benilde and their core of young talent. The good sign for Hill is that even on an off night, they can still do enough to win. When you are one of the better teams everyone will bring their best game & it is impossible for Hill (or anyone else) to play at a high level every single period of every game.<br><br>This is one of Hill's better teams in recent years. The line of Hoeffel-Larson-Skarda is special. They control the play every time they are on the ice. Looking forward to see how they match up against the top line of AHA. They have talented forwards on their remaining lines and they all seem to work hard. Their D can all skate and appear to be poised. The physical tools are all there this year but their decision making has to improve. The D have to know when to pinch and have to do a better job of clearing the zone. The forwards have to realize that their presence is also needed in the defensive side of the rink and have to do the little things that don't show up on stat sheets. The goalies have both played well & must continue to make the basic saves (something lacking last year).<br><br>The next couple of weeks will be important for Hill as after Xmas, they play the lower portion of the conference and might not be tested until the AHA game. Hopefully they can take care of NSP and put themselves in a nice position in the conference and continue to work on the things that will be needed come play-off time. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Ibleedgreen »

nolook-<br><br>best assessment i have read so far on the pioneers. very honest. agree d has to get in the habit of making better decisions. it will come in handy as the season progresses and the competition and stakes get higher. they have to fight the urge to look for points and think defense first. joey mcenaney............best two way forward i have seen. mike hoeffel best forward period. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: hill

Post by PAMESH »

Hill did come out flat last night but BSM was not at there best either. They didn't handle the puck well and they dubbed shots and not because of anything Hill did to them. The result was they couldn't get anything setup or put any pressure on the goalie. As far as the speed of the game I don't think Hill was to fast for them but they are stronger. The strength of hill appeared to wear them down. A big part of the maturity factor. If BSM can true up their play in big games like this which they will if they can keep a regular team healthy they will be serious competition for anyone by end of season. <br><br>The Borer kid did break his arm. He could be back playing in a cast by next week.<br><br>I am curious about Nick Pryor as well I have heard he is "amazing" so I was disappointed to see him play so sparingly. Maybe he is injured. <p></p><i></i>
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BSM broken arms

Post by Mustanger0034 »

isnt that the second broken arm on the BSM team recently? i heard one of their seniors shattered his arm a couple weeks ago... need verification <p></p><i></i>
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Re: BSM broken arms

Post by hockeyxprt »

Spencer Campion broke several bones in his arm and his elbow (he's out even through baseball season) against CDH last week. Pat Borer appeared to suffer a compound fracture last night. Talk about a bad string of luck. Especially as a senior losing the whole year. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: BSM broken arms

Post by PAMESH »

Yes Spencer Campion, captain and top defensemen, broke the bulbus part of his elbow off and had surgery to put it back into place last Saturday. This happened against Cretin. BSM has had some hard luck since coming back from NY. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by nolookpassguy »

Nick Pryor was set up to disappoint this year. He is a very good hockey player...for his age. Unfortunately for him, his parents created a situation where there exists a verbal agreement for Nick to play for Wisc down the road. This agreement basically means nothing as both sides can change their minds at anytime. By having the media notified has caused the spotlight to be shown on Nick. Nick is the 5th best defensemen Hill has. The other 4 are older, stronger, have more experience, and are just better than he is right now. However, people read the papers and see that Hill has 2 players "committed" to play Division 1, they come out to see these guys. When people see Hoeffel play, they usually leave the arena convinced he deserves the proper attention. Unfortuantely for Nick, people leave there wondering who this kid is & what's the hype all about. Hill usually plays 4 D and may spot the 5/6 guys during the game. That may leave limited playing time for Nick. It's too bad he isn't allowed to just enjoy playing vasity hockey and allowed to develop without all the scrutiny. I hope for Nick's sake he can enjoy this season and hopefully his parents town down all the talk of their kid wearing Red someday. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Ibleedgreen »

agree nolook. i said it three weeks ago and i will say it again. pryor is a very good player for his age especially his hockey sense but i still cannot help but think while watching that his dad should have kept his ego out of the situation and thought before he opened the door to all the hype and unecessary scrutiny. he got what he wanted which was attention for his son he probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise. he has also opened the door to unnecessary pressure which may backfire if nick does not handle it well. ego definitely got in the way for dad and may trickle down to son too.<br><br>as i have also said before i find it funny that all the scouts, coaches and hockey experts say the game is for the kids. parents - stay out of it. if the kid is good enough the scouts will find them. why does this not apply to the scouts, coaches, and hockey experts when their own kids are involved? <p></p><i></i>
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Post by worldscout »

We have too many know it alls on here. Stop blaming Priors parents for anything. Nick Prior will be a super defenseman when he adjusts to the speed and gets a chance to develop. Too many jealous know it alls. ice time, confidence,and patience will give him the confidence he needs to help and be an impact player this year. All of hills defense are very good . Stop with the negative attacks on his parents, which are unwaranted and petty beyond belief. Quite offensive , but typical unfortunately. i am not a Prior or a friend of his dad either. <p></p><i></i>
Grovetown Scotty
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Re: hm

Post by Grovetown Scotty »

Why do all the posts start out as an analysis of a game and how it was played, and end up like a soap opera on day time TV? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: hm

Post by worldscout »

Hill played sloppy and inconsistent the first 2 periods. Some flashes , but must overcome their slow starts or could lose to an inferior team. Hill unfortunately plays a weak schedule. They must come out hard every game. They also must keep their practices fast paced and demanding or their conditioning could deteriorate to the slower lower level teams they play. Hill has special talent this year all around, their skill, defense, and speed is right with holy angels, if not better. They really have no excuses talent wise to be at or near the top. Hope they keep their speed, intensity and puck movement through their soft schedule, or they will be primed to be upset when it counts. WORK EM COACH LECHNER. <p></p><i></i>
Hill Alum
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Post by Hill Alum »

It seemed that Hill was just going through the motions until about the third period. The good thing for us pioneer fans is that, they are finding a way to bury their chances late in the games...which is something that a team needs to do if they are going to go to State... Should be a good game tomorrow...hopefully some revenge from last year. Anyone think that O'brien will get the start?<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: weak schedule

Post by Sparlimb »

The weak (conference) schedule didn't hurt Holy Angels last year nor the Hill teams in the 70's and 80's in the City conference. You either have the talent to get it done in the games that matter or you don't. Hill was in a much better conference from 1988 through a few years ago, but that didn't help them get to state more (they actually went less) or win the whole thing while they were there than they had from the city conference days. I think they conference schedule issue is over rated. <p></p><i></i>
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hm schedule

Post by worldscout »

I agree sparlimb. Weak conference can easily be overcome and should be with the talent Hill has. This year it does appear though the Classic Suburban is signifcantly down. Hill could have blown St Thomas out if they did not turn the puck over and capitalized on their many opportunities. Some teams improve during the year and others do not. Would still like to see Hill challenged more . It is easy to play sloppy hockey against these weak teams and not play close to your best and still blow out many of the conference teams. This should be Hills year regardless of their schedule. <p></p><i></i>