St. Cloud Youth Hockey Split

Discussion of Minnesota Youth Hockey

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Post by wickedshot »

Really, selfish agendas. How about answering the above post on the breakdown and votes of the past board. Go back up and read how evenly the board was split on voting positions and then explain to me what evidence you have.

Give me some examples. I enjoy your subjective ramblings about how this board is so good vs. the evil board with the agenda. Unfortunately, just partisan accusations with nothing to back them up.

Also, haven't received that private message yet.
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Post by wickedshot »

Not satisfied? Put one or two of us on the hockey committe. Why not? Why the threat? You also better get on the same page as the admin director. Who is on the hockey committee? Perhaps you could direct me to the minutes where I can find that.

Appears from looking at your past meeting turnout from the newsletter than I'm not the only one that members don't care about hearing.
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Post by 4theparents »

Man O Man. I've been watching the posts on this thread and much of it has to do wit intentions and motivations and agendas and so on. How about being consturctive and sticking to the facts. I went through treatment many years ago and there was a part in there about not taking someone's mental inventory. In other words, stop trying to get in someone elses head and worry about yourslef and your own intentions and motivations. Can't attract new kids to hockey Iwonder why. who'd want to put up with this....stuff. Grow up. do what you think is right and don't back down and leave the personal stuff out of it.
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Post by forthekids »

Wicked: I beleive at the last meeting the SCYHA President explained who was on the current Hockey Committee.

4theparents: You are right. It is hard to not bicker when a person feels so passionate about an issue. Enough said!

Energy should be spent on recruiting and improving the program.
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Post by western »

I take by your comment (reading to much into this) you weren't on
this team, yes you do develop goalies, but the A team was formed and
started with 1 goalie 4 teams 4 goalies, but you don't develop one that
has never played the position before at the start of the season and give a team a goalie with no experience don't know why the A team had to have 2, but I know I paid and the 2 goalies on the team didn't
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Post by gunit »

After reading this board for over a year and reading how BlueGoose5, Blue/Gold, GeorgeBlanda, Zpipesin & ogelthorpe have bashed me and
made untrue statements, by the way I have shoulders and can take, just
make sure you handle it back, I plan on addressing you each seperate
so you get the right info because I have the back up in writing from
the board minutes dating back to 1998
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Post by gunit »

After reading this board for over a year and reading how BlueGoose5, Blue/Gold, GeorgeBlanda, Zpipesin & ogelthorpe have bashed me and
made untrue statements, by the way I have shoulders and can take, just
make sure you handle it back, I plan on addressing you each seperate
so you get the right info because I have the back up in writing from
the board minutes dating back to 1998
council member retired
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writers strike

Post by council member retired »

Congratulations should go out to those of you that have kept the drama going during the writers strike. Now that it has been over for 3 months, lets leave the dramatics to HBO.
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Post by gunit »

little history - SC started hockey in the 60's with it being ran thru the SC rec dept, in thos yrs pw & ban levels played as north/south split and played in the Central MN hockey league w/ Brainerd,LittleFalls,Alexandria,Hutchinson,Litchfield & Willmar.
1972 SCYHA was formed for only pw & ban levels squirt & below stayed w/the rec dept. this was done to join MAHA the agreement was north/south split squirts & below stayed w/ the rec dept. in 75or 76 John Dolman thought by combing certain players they could have a standout team (Orth,Dolman, Schmidt,Blitvich). At this time I believe SC was in D3
and later went to D10.

In 1992 SCYH voted to go back to the north/south slpit for a period of 5 years. In 1996 at the general meeting it passed 68 to 7 to continue the north/south split for another 5 years which would have been 2001 this motion was made by Tom Peden (Apollo) & Bill Turck (Tech)
In 1998 out going president GAry Gustafson made a motion to go back combined earlier that the 5 years that were voted on in 1996 the motion failed and Gustafson rejected the vote they took a break and then the room doubled in size w/ people, Gustafson then called for another vote and it pass to combine the teams for 98-99 season. This was the year the Mr. Howe talked the EB Board into dropping to 1 Ban A team with (Howe,Hartmann, Winter,Linder,Hinkemeyer) because they thought they could dominate the game which they did in D10 but lost out in regions, these players all went on to college hockey, but played their PW yrs on teams that where split north/south.
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Post by gunit »

George Blanda you wanted to know what Donovan's role in this and what input she has made. Well I don't have a role but I will answer questions
to anyone who ask's. As far as coaching I didn't turn away any non-parent coach as I felt the more non-parent coaches SCYHA go get the better, which was also what the players said when I held the players/president meetings to find out what the kids wanted as they were always # 1 with me and not a parent, so you should have stepped up
Your comment about most from Apollo/Cathedral want to see Tech fail in hockey and think that Apollo/Cathedral see each other do well is intersting
but you don't say why.
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Post by gunit »

Zpipesin - you state I hand picked by Boards with the 3-1 margin, well your wrong if you go back thru the years you will find the board was
always around 1/3 for ea school, I didn't care who was on as long as they
did there job and I will tell there was some that got on thinking it would put thier child on a A team - WRONG - so then they stopped doing there work, and there was some on who new where their child would fall as a B player and did their job with heart for all the kids and that is what a board
member should do look at whars best for all the kids and not 1

I was elected in 1999 as president-elect after going to a board meeting
to complain that as a team sponsor for 3 yrs and asking to the teams schedule and not getting one in 3 years I thought I had waited long enough and I wanted to know why they treated sponsors this way, when
I could spend my money else where. It was Lori Olmschield and Cathy Anderson that talked me into running and nominated me

Change of By-Laws terms of service - I didn't make the motion this change. Phil Graber the D10 director strongly recommeded it, since SC & SR where the only assoc in D10 that had 1 yr terms he wanted to see this changed - Ron Crandell (Cathedral) made the motion to change the terms of service in 2001

Please note that the President only votes if there is a tie and in my terms
I never had to vote once, so I think the people who volunteered on the boards over the years did a wonderful job and I take that who ever your
are you didn't volunteer for the board or you would have known this
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Post by BlueGoose5 »


Thanks for the history lesson. There's certainly a lot to be learned from past events. You are to be commended for all the countless hours and leadership you gave to SCYHA.

Now, it's a new leadership and being a former leader you must understand and respect all that the current leaders are having to handle to move the association forward.

Consider yourself fortunate that you were never faced with a gang of four plus one trying to decimate SCYHA. You would have fought tooth and nail to protect and defend the viability of the association rather than capitulate to the offenders, especially to a group as reticent as Wicked's. As a leader, that would have been expected of you.

Also as a leader, you certainly would have ceded to the will of your membership, and that will overwhelmingly right now is to keep SCYHA intact.

Thanks for the memories. Now, how about a little support, if not for the current board, then show it at least for the kids.
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Post by gunit »

After your bashing comments about me on this board on even different topics its a little late for a complement, but I will comment on your statements 1st I did not and do not consider anyone that is trying to benefit their players trying to decimate anyone, after all I did not think
that when during the summer months Cathredral head coaches ran seperate camps for the kids going to private schools and the public kids
were not invited to attend, nor did I think that when certain SCYHA coaches only invited certain kids to a camp - I went out got ice and coaches and invited the kids that were left behind by these 2 groups
I guess their missions where to help improve certain kids and if that is what they choose to do thats fine.

Current Board everyone seems to use the excuse that its a new board
its not 65% of the members on the Board were on before I left, I find this
a poor excuse to use 31-20 and granted they have created some new positions.

As a leader you should tell the truth - you can't call a survey anonymous
when you assign a number to the member so it tells you who the member

I have just one question for you, because I am confussed by your comments on other board topics and this one. I take it by your name you could becathredral I could be wrong, so here is my question to you

You make degrating comments about Tech Hockey, such as (1 week shined, but other wise season not much to write about rankings Tech 58
CHS 31 well above Tech) & (especially considering Techs nice showing again this year in sectional playoffs). Question - why do you care
and why do you want to play with the Tech kids in youth hockey when
you degrade them when they get to the HS level ?
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Post by council member retired »

Please use spellcheck
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Post by 2pipesnin »

Well, well, well ...look what came out of the closet or basement or attic, etc

1st - Settle down and read what you wrote before you submit it!

2nd - Spin the information anyway you want. You changed enough bi-laws to benefit your needs and gain control of the organization.

3rd - Your statement should have read "I didn't care who was on as long as they did WHAT I TOLD THEM TO DO.......that would have been more accurate. You have been pro Tech since the day you took over so do not criticize any high school coach or person that has tried to help protect players from other schools.

4th – Nominated by Lori O and Cathy A…….That explains a lot!

5th - No responses for Blue and Gold?

Lastly, I stand by original post.

Post by Blue&Gold »

There will be responses, I have no doubt.

Something came up from her initial responses that really has set the tone. There is a LOT of animosity generated because the then-current CHS coach held a summer camp via the STP program for the kids that were attending the Catholic schools, and he then took them to the STP trnys at the end of July. (All of the STP teams were based on high schools, NOT youth organizations.) It seems that this is brought up repeatedly and that explains why there is hate there for the CHS program. (?) Either her nephew didn't get invited (which I think is false) or some of his friends didn't. The Tech coach could have done this as well, but chose not to. It had nothing to do with the youth program, just like traveling down to the cities to play on AAA teams didn't have anything to do with the youth programs. But when a burr is under a saddle, the horse doesn't care of the details, it just keeps rubbing...

I will go on record stating that gunit did a very good job with the younger kids in SCYHA but when it came to travel programs she just couldn't see past Tech and CHS rivalries. (Coaches interviews with only Tech coach representation for high school as interviewers for travel teams is a prime example.. )

I've pretty much decided that what is going to happen will happen, and that if someone doesn't take into account the health of the entire hockey population many will suffer for the benefit of the few. I'm not going to get into the middle of this any more as I see no good coming out of the entire process.

Good luck you guys!!
George Blanda
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Post by George Blanda »

gunit wrote:]It was Lori Olmschield and Cathy Anderson that talked me into running and nominated me
The way I heard it, you requested that they nominate you. Not they requested that you run.

However, I don't think this really matters as your nomination and early years of presidency aren't the thing is question.
"they are LAME" -darkdemon on SJU hockey
George Blanda
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Post by George Blanda »

2pipesnin wrote: 4th – Nominated by Lori O and Cathy A…….That explains a lot!
I'll let them know how you feel, I guess.
"they are LAME" -darkdemon on SJU hockey

Post by Blue&Gold »

George Blanda wrote:
2pipesnin wrote: 4th – Nominated by Lori O and Cathy A…….That explains a lot!
I'll let them know how you feel, I guess.
The irony of this is that Lori and Cathy are CHS parents... Oh the headaches that come back from all of this... Anyway, I do think that they had very good intentions because of the "Good Old Boy" network that was perceived to be in place. But who knew.... ;-)

Change was needed at that time, there is NO doubt. But like George said, the "early years" aren't the root of all this...
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Post by 2020Hockey »

Where is WickedShot when you need him?
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Post by ogelthorpe »

2020Hockey wrote:Where is WickedShot when you need him?
Wikedshot has been busy putting together another survey that I received yesterday. Basically the same as was sent out by SCYHA. it had a couple of more options on it. It also stated that this survey will be kept confidential and implied that the SCYHA survey was not.
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Post by BlueGoose5 »

The Tech survey confidential? Highly doubtful. Trustworthy? Even more doubtful. If it's sent to District 10 you know who will be there to get her hands on it, and then who knows what will happen to the results.
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Post by smalls »

About that survey - what's with the colored stamps?
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Post by greybeard58 »

Blue goose 5
Why don't you make your complaint to the District Director and President of District 10 instead of here. If you want I can look up their e-mail addresses for you and send them in a PM.
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Post by western »

Well, well, well, look who waddled in to weigh in -- BlueGoose himself.

Conspiracy, conspiracy is all that ever comes out of this Goose's bill. You sure seem to have a lot of opinions for someone who never volunteered for anything in youth hockey (spouse doesn't count).

Of course you trust the Cathedral-biased president. Your kid played there. Who would take your opinion seriously? Donovan and everyone else has biases but you and the current president don't?

Wake up and step into the real world. Anyone who has any functioning neurons can see it. So you don't trust anyone else's survey. I'm shocked, totally shocked.
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