Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

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Post by Hockeybutt »

Hockeybutt smells Whitey Schwartzbauer as the new coach at MV ! Just a guess........ for now............... <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Hockeybutt »

I realize that this answer is probably among one of these 150 replies, but is Nick Nitti a teacher at Mounds view , if so is he still a teacher there , and finally what does he teach ? Thanks <p></p><i></i>
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Post by SB24 »

well just tell me then if he is as good as u say he is then why is he only the assistant coach? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: SB24

Post by Dusey »

Hey guys, how did SB24 get into the mix of this thing. Don't pay any attention to him, he's just trying to mix things up.<br>SB24 doesn't know his ... from first base, and you guys are getting all exciting. <br>As a friend of mine says, talking to SB24 is like trying to nail "Jello" to the wall. Zero substance. <br>Typical uneducated, no talented, left-out dufus.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by SB24 »

just because I have more then 15 posts dosent mean I cant talk in this thread. Why not just answer the question? If he is as good as u say he is then why is he only the assistant coach? or do u just want all the people in this thread to just say how he is such a good guy? This is a hockey forum so I dont want to hear about how nice he is . If u cant get it done then u shouldn't be coaching<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
east hockey
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Re: .

Post by east hockey »

Guys, keep this to the subject at hand and stay away from the personal stuff. It's getting overheated. Appears that it's a done deal anyway from what's been posted so far.<br><br>Lee <p>____________<br>Message Board arsonist since 2005</p><i></i>
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Re: .

Post by BrokenStick06 »

Lee, <br><br>Just my opinion but this thread has been going on for long enough. Maybe time to lock it down. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: .

Post by RLStars »

I second the motion!!!!!!!!!!!! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by SB24 »

if u dont like it just dont open this thread no one is making you read it.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Forest Dump
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Re: wallythebeerman

Post by Forest Dump »

Re: the AD overthere at MV.<br><br>You mispelled "astute".<br><br>It's "a stupe" in this case. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: wallythebeerman

Post by wallythebeerman »

Anybody know what's going on over at Roseville Area.<br><br>Is Mr. Young staying?<br><br>Hope we don't have another "MV" going on, over there. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: wallythebeerman

Post by puckingood »

No...............unfortunately for the Roseville kids, Coach Young has tendered his resignation as of last week.........time was the problem....between his young family, his new tremendously demanding job and the needs of the team, he could not give them all the 100% attention & commitment he felt they were all owed and something had to doubt about it, it's a big loss............the good news is assistant coach and ex-gopher Jeff Pauletti has accepted the postion and the boys are pumped.......another plus is that Young will continue to support Jeff and this young but very exciting team anyway he can....GO RAIDERS <p></p><i></i>
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Re: RV Young

Post by wallythebeerman »

It's good news that it was his decision and not the efforts of a few PO parents, as in MV. (and a weak AD)<br><br>Mr. Pauletti, we wish you good fortunes in this exciting endeavor.<br><br>Mr. Pauletti, I suggest you read the story on the Web Site<br><br><br><br>You can never be too careful.<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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new coach

Post by hockeydad »

According to this morning's "Shooter" column:<br><br><br>"The new Mounds View boys hockey coach will be Brad Schwartzbauer, who was an all-conference player and captain at Augsburg College and played on two state high school tournament teams with White Bear Lake. He also played in the Colorado Rockies' minor league system."<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... ckeydad</A> at: 8/26/05 10:31 am<br></i>
Forest Dump
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Re: new coach

Post by Forest Dump »

Brad Schwartzbauer,<br><br>Congrats on getting the MV job! We are behind you 100 percent.<br><br>When I say "we". I mean the MV supporters who actually know something about the game, the people who don't expect their kid(s) to be on every power play, the people that will come to you, if there is something to discuss, rather than go directly to the administration. The people who won't wine about about your breakout play or center ice trap. The people that won't gripe if you're having a beer in a local establishment. The people that won't do an audit on the amount of icetime used. The people that won't harp about you being remunerated from the Booster Club fund. The people that understand the economies of driving to an away game, rather than hiring an expensive bus. The people who won't begrudge you for making a buck or two on a summer camp and won't accuse you of playing favorites, depending on who attended your summer camp. "We" are the backbone<br>of MV sports, as has been shown by our support of the man you replaced and "we" will support you the same way. <br><br>You may want to pay close attention to what has happened<br>to previous coaches and "WHY". <br><br>I am sure that a discussion with Mr. Nitti would be very enlightening from many aspects. Afterall, he was there for 5 seasons and knew the "ropes" pretty well and is very approachable, inspite of what the PO parents have rumored. He was just blindsided by the hangmans noose and a weak AD.<br><br>Again, good luck Brad and have a great season ! <br><br>Go Mustangs !<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: new coach

Post by wallythebeerman »

I just read Forestdump's post. Probably quite accurate.<br><br>Brad, I also offer congrats. <br><br>One thing Forest didn't tell you was that you should visit the<br>web site <br><br>I think it will enlighten you considerably.<br><br>Chose your friends wisely in that part of town.<br><br>Be careful with whom you confide.<br><br>Be your own man.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: new coach

Post by stamp202 »

I sure hope that with the hiring of our new coach that these few parents who orchestrated this mess will finally shut up. We now have an outsider who has no idea who anyone is and can be unbiased in any decision he makes. I have been a parent of a MV hockey player for many years now. I was appalled at the way the whole mess of this Nitti ordeal went. I am ashamed to be a member of this hockey community because of those few parents that made this occur. I'm not going to add to that mess at all. The deal is done and it is now time to provide the support and encouragement not only to our new coach but to our players who are also in an awkward position as well. They now have to come together as a team, knowing that the player's parent (and in some cases the player also) were part of this mess. I hope the kids are more forgiving and resilient and have a FUN season. We probably won't win any more games or be a contender but I hope these kids can come together, put the past behind, and give it their best shot. As for us parents, I don't anticipate a lot of forgiving this year. Many bridges have been burned but I guess we're grown ups and need to set some kind of example to our kids. Although a tough lesson, I think our kids have learned a lot. I applaud those kids who stood up to the school board for those are our true leaders in the hockey community. They made their voice heard and even though they didn't get the result they wanted, I'm sure that they made that Board think twice about what occurred and hopefully, the future actions of the Admin and Board and AD will be changed because of these great kids. I welcome our new coach and am looking forward to a bit of great hockey. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by OnceAMustangNowNoMore »

Ok no secrets here... My name is Eric Oliverius I was the starting goalie for MV last year and backed up my junior year. Of course I'm here to speak about the hiring of Mr. Schwartzbauer. No one here should really be saying anything negative about the decision, I mean sure Nitti was a great guy but bottom line is he was not the best coach. Our team has had the talent to do some amazing things the past few years and that fact that we went nowhere is do to a few problems one being coaching.<br><br>I will be the first to take blame on the lack of success last year, it was one of m worste years performance wise. But not to sound as if I am passing the blame on to the coaching staff but they did not create a practice environment in which players can develop. His coaching style focused on one aspect of the game, Offense. Sure its a needed aspect but not the most important.<br><br>If I may point out the suprising success that Stillwater had this year, compared to last years performance. Mr. Housley took that team and built it into a team to be reckond with by starting from the back and moving forward... Goaltending and defense should be a priority on any team, and coach nitti and goldsmith did not see it this way. <br><br>Well enough of my ranting I'm sure someone will have some sort of response for me so i'll be back <p></p><i></i>
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Old Player Speaks on New Coach

Post by mvhockey06 »

Ok ive been seeing alot of people asking for players of coach Nitti's to come on here and tell everybody how we feel seens how we were the ones who played for him and know how he really was. I played for Nitti for two years. One on JV and one on Varsity. After reading just about every comment on this topic, i have seen alot of people defending him on how he was such a nice guy and how he turned our program around and many of these people dont know him they just feel bad for what has happened to him, but what these people have to see is that he was not asked to quit becasue he was a bad guy it was because of a few things that he did in his time as our coach. One of which was by totaly breaking away for the MVHYA. They hired Nitti to be the development director and he never did a single thing with the youth program. He also was involved with a program called the Black Sheep. This group of parents who thought that the MVYHA was not good enough for their "Allstar" hockey player, broke off on their own and separted themsleves from the youth program. As a former player in the MVYHA i saw this program as a cancer to all of Moundsview hockey. My feeling was that this group of paretns who were joining the Black Sheep program knowing that Nitti was involved thought it would help their child make the High School team at MV. The Black Sheep group had many great ideas in teaching and tranning but it was only for an exclussive group not open for all of MV youth hockey players. Any changes should be for the beifet of all not just a select few. One other thing that hurt Nitti was him getting suspended from his job for 2 weeks for leaving the school grounds while he was on the job. This happened right around the time his wife had her baby and Nitti never told us players about him getting suspended he only told us that he was taking a few weeks off to stay at home with her and the newborn. <br> The last thing i want to do is defend my teammate Eric on his stats and to say that he wasnt at fault for the team of 20 guys having a .500 season. Not saying that Eric was not to be at blame for the way the season went but there are 5 guys out on the ice that have to make a mistake before the goalie makes one. The way Nitti set up our penelty kill he had 2 guys that basicly stood in our own crease and were to block every shot so the goalie wouldnt have to do much but what that did was cause a screen for the goalie so that if the defensemen missed the shot the goalie would have no chance to make a save which in the long run made the goalie look bad and hurt the team.<br> Well there are some thoughts from a player who has played for Nitti and i hope that this info will change the mind of some who dont know everything that has gone on in his time as our coach. <p></p><i></i>
Forest Dump
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Re: Old Player Speaks on New Coach

Post by Forest Dump »

Boy, ain't it amazing how some guy's just love to kick a guy when he is already down. I hope you former players record your words and look back on them in 10,15 or 20 years. I hope that you experience some of the same things you're witnessing now. I'm sure that in some cases your mommy's & daddy's are behind the scene helping you script your words. And mainly mommy's. Hey there big "O", nobody is blaming you, even though you didn't have a career year. Anybody can get screened, on occasion, on soft shots from the red line.<br><br>It's unfortunate, but most kids go thru their HS career and don't have a clue about coaching strategy. Even the studs just go out and use their God given talents without really knowing what the plan is. They've just been drilled so much, that it becomes second nature. But coaching strategy, most of you kids couldn't make line changes for a wheelchair shuffleboard team.<br><br>So stop the griping, everybody knows who you are and that is all just sour grapes. <br><br>And regarding Mr. Nitti's leave-of-absence, while his wife was delivering the baby, that's a low, low.....blow. <br><br>Nick, you're way better off not having to coach these spoiled little pampered brats. The Goldsmiths and Nittis of the world have earned the right to coach in a much more distinquished atmosphere than the one they just left. And I'll guarantee that their kids have garnered respect the old fashion way, they earned it. <br><br>Not like you two brats. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... ump>Forest Dump</A> at: 8/27/05 6:28 pm<br></i>