rick tocchect betting scandal

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rick tocchect betting scandal

Post by hockeystar10 »

what is this also waynes wife was involved odd.<br>i hope wayne wasnt he is the best thing hockey has ever seen, he is been a clean slate unlike jordan, and all the other top pros.<br>i hope waynes image isnt effected. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: rick tocchect betting scandal

Post by STCplaya18 »

I also hope that Gretzky doesn't get involved in this either.<br><br>(This should be in the Pro forum.) <p></p><i></i>
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rick tocchect betting scandal

Post by GreatDay2PlayHockey »

Not much hard word coming out of NJ at the moment. Papers have pictures of Toch. and the other guy who's a cop. The guy was supposedly taking gambling calls at home and work. Articles aren't giving full detail and then give Toccect's hockey background. They say 6 current NHLers and more past players placed bets - Including Mrs. Wayne. #99 says he doesn't know about the gambling of either his wife or his good friend and asst. coach Toch. One reporter straight out asked him if his wife placed bets for him - "No" was his answer. I hope he and his friends are smarter than to be involved too. A lot of no comment and worried faces from the interviews I've seen. The claims right now are the NHLers did not bet on hockey, only football and college basketball. Bad time for this to break and I hope the league steps up strong and fast on this issue. I'll let you know if we hear any added info. out of NJ. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: rick tocchect betting scandal

Post by dasherdude »

I see this thing going away, in that they weren't betting on hockey. Who wants to bet on hockey? What's the line in a hockey game anyway 1 -1-1/2? Who in the world is going to make bets with so little room for error?<br>I can see these guys betting on football, basketball, just not hockey games. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by GreatDay2PlayHockey »

Don't think it's going away that easy DDude. Talk of wire taps are never good. The problem is it just puts another mark on the game even if the bets were not on the NHL - how can you be sure guys were not involved in making decisions that may help tilt a game one way or the other for someone they know bets on hockey ... say ... as a favor. Gambling is a big part of sports in general but active players betting on sports is a thin line and why put yourself there as there are plenty of other things to bet on if you have to gamble. If these guys were not sports players they'd say the same thing. In a nutshell, come on guys, use your heads. But - It will wash away in a few weeks when something else comes along. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: rick tocchect betting scandal

Post by NINshuggah »

I seen an article on this. This this gambling in sports needs to stop. To many players are doing it. The article was on my Dish interactive thing. I liked how the article went into number shaving which basiclly the ref being paid off. This just goes to support my conclusion that the Super Bowl was fixed. People need to wake up and understand that its more common then we think. ROCK ON IN 2006<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/devil.gif ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> \m/ <p></p><i></i>
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