Who's played in BIG SHOW?

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Who's played in BIG SHOW?

Post by hsskycam »

Has anyone who posts here played in a H.S. State Tournament, in any sport, that would like to share "the feeling" of what it was like to be there?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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State Tourney

Post by cyozzie36 »

There is nothing like the tourney. The feeling when you hit the ice is such a rush. Each player who has never played in one has to look around and sock in the feeling and atmosphere during warmup becuase once the games start you won't even notice it until it's over. Teh crowd is hyped and great but at least in the old Civic Or river Center if you will was great but it seemed far louder in the crowd than on the ice. Win or lose its so much fun to be playing with your friends and being on tv. Obviously there is nothing like winning it all especially if you compare that feeling to losing in the finals. <br><br>It comes down to going out there and having fun and enjoying every minute of it.<br> <br>I've played in the golf state tourney, and in front of some large crowds at college golf tournaments. Thanks to guys like Charles Howell and David Gosset but nothing compares to MN State Hockey, unless you play Big Time Basketball or college football I would guess.<br>Later <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Who's played in BIG SHOW?

Post by MNHockeynutt »

I played in one at the old civic center, I don't think I stopped smiling the whole game. Going there every year and watching and then getting to play and actually go underneath the bleachers, the lights sooooo bright. nothing like it! <p></p><i></i>
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Playing in the Big Show

Post by GR80 »

I was fortunate enough to play in the "Biggest Show" in 1980 when it was still a one class tournament. I played for the Grand Rapids Indians. We became State Champions that year. There was nothing better then playing at the old Civic Center with the glass boards. You were treated like royalty. At that time all teams were able to have a practice on the Civic Center Ice the day before the tourney. Then the Banquet. Herb Brooks was the featured speaker. I will never forget it. We beat Hopkins-Lindberg in the quarterfinals(I scored a goal). Then we beat Bloomington Jefferson 3-1. Then in the finals we faced an undefeated Hill Murray and beat them 2-1. We had a great goal tender in the likes of Jon Casey. Back then you could only roster 18 players on a team. 10 of our 18 went on to play D-1 hockey. The likes of Jon Casey(UND), Tom Rothstein(UM), John Decenzo(Ferris State), Bob Madsen(Alaska Anchorage), Mike Brill(Providence), Scott Billedeau(Princeton), Jim Malwitz(UM), Eric Lempe(UM), Chris LaVasseur(Alaska Anchorage), and Tony Kellin(UM). Several of the others played D-3. There is no better experience then playing in the "show". Listen to anyone who has participated and it is better then college hockey or the NHL. To win it all is even better. I have also been fortunate enough to coach in the "little show" 3 times with a class "A" team. It is almost as exciting watching 20 players experience the "show" as it was playing in it. The HS State Hockey Tournament is the Greatest Show on Earth. Can't wait until tomorrow. <p></p><i></i>
SLP Coach
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Re: Playing in the Big Show

Post by SLP Coach »

I participated in the littlest of the little shows.<br>The Tier II state tourney. It was still a great experience and wouldn't trade it for anything. The tourney was held at the Target Center that year. Here's really wishing (still) that we could have pulled out any one of the other Section finals that we were in to really participate in the BIG SHOW. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by scheids316 »

I know I'm inviting alot of jabs just by saying this but...<br><br>I was just a lowly student manager and got to experience 2 tournaments. There's nothing like it in the world. Even being on the bench and not skating, it was the thrill of a lifetime. There's nothing like being on the winning side of a game at State. Nothing. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by BlaBlaBla »

The big show is by far the biggest thrill in my athletic career. There were quite a few players from our team that moved on and most of them still contend that the state tourney final was the biggest thrill they have had. I did not get to play with the glass boards but did get to play in the Civic center. The first time you walk from the locker room onto the ice sends chills up your spine. You can hear the fans, bands, and excitment in the air. Stepping onto the ice is surreal, after warm ups the game starts to take over. You can't really see anything after the first couple of rows anyways because of the lights. Trust me I was looking for hotties during warm ups. If anyone has won one you realize a few moments after the awards cermony what exactly has happened and a few weeks later you realize how big of a deal it is. I have said it on this page before that you need breaks no matter how talented of a team you are and that is why the state tourney is so special. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Who's played in BIG SHOW?

Post by yourmyboyblue »

I was fortunate to play in two State Tournaments (94 and 95). It was the best thing you could imagine. The old civic center had the long runway at the one end. It was so awesome to just run out on to the ice. Scoring a goal was one of the best feelings. But was not even close to winning the championship. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Who's played in BIG SHOW?

Post by dangler06 »

I played in last years state tennis tournament and got to the finals but lost. The first time I was out there I was so nervous I didnt know what to do, but after awhile it seemed like a normal match. <p></p><i></i>
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Big Show

Post by spud4life »

playing in the championship game the first year at the xcel center was the best experience of my life. Sold out, everyone watching you, and knowing you have fulfilled what you have wanted to do since you were a little kid, priceless...nothing compares to minnesota hockey not even indiana basketball or texas football. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Fanofhockey »

I also have played in the Excel and it was also the best experience of my life. It was the first tournament there and before my teams game we got to sit on the bench and just look around while taping our sticks, taking in probably the top arena in the world. I had attended a bunch of the tournaments at the civic center and that place, don't get me wrong, had a great atmosphere, but nothing will compare now to the NHL stature of the Excel. Just arriving at the arena, getting to "flash" your pass with onlookers wondering what it is like to be you was a great feeling. Warmups is short but still fun, getting to see the 18,000+ people getting ready to watch your team and another play is an amazing feeling. I think just the fact that it was on such a grand scale, with so many people watching at the arena and tv, and that it was what I had worked for my whole life is what made it all better. By far the best experience of my life, hands down. <p></p><i></i>
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Broken Dreams

Post by Videoscout »

Never got to play in the big show. Knocked on the door in 1977 in the Section 8 championship but lost to # 1 in the Nation ... Roseau, who was 25-0 going into state that year.<br><br>After graduating from High School ... I used to have dreams about lacing up for state, only to find that one of my blades were broken, or I needed skates sharpened, or my laces broke. Never actually got on the ice in the dreams either.<br><br>Hmmmm .... I wonder what Freud and his collegues would say about that<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... s/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Congratulations to all who made it there this year. Even though Class A won't have the same crowds at the X as the AA schools will ... the eyes of the state will be on them via television. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub33.ezboard.com/bmnhs.showUser ... eoscout</A> at: 3/10/04 9:33 am<br></i>
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Post by puckster10 »

I too like someone above was a lowly student manager. In 1996 we got to the section finals only to lose, and in 1997 we played the same team, and went on to win. That night, March 2nd 1997 always stands out as the celebration was huge. <br><br>The Banquet night our team was there, and it seemed like everyone laughed at us. The food was pretty bad, but it was very cool to be there. We were there among giants, but still we were there. So what if we had a 13-12 record, we were still there. <br><br>Thursday night we went into the Civic Center, and everyone was wide-eyed. I remember the locker room was huge, and then I went out to the bench and there was the huge arena. I've been going to tournaments since preschool, and the arena never seemed so huge. People I knew shouted hi, and I searched the whole arena, but I couldn't find them. The thrill of seeing the team get announced, and being "back stage" is something I'll never forget. The lights created an glare on the ice and prior to filling, the arena was a see of orange seats. Then when full. The whole feeling of the game, I'll never forget, it was too cool. I've never seen so many people cheering for my team. When they lost 3-1 to Edina, it was ok, because everyone had played their best, but the dream was over. However it was great to be in Marriucci too, but we got slaughtered. It was something I had dreamed about for a long time, and it was very cool to be a part of it once. <br><br><br>The tournament is a feeling that can't be replicated, and it is hard to describe, at least for me. <br><br>Yes even student managers have fond memories of State! I still have the State Tournament Participant certificate, in fact its framed. <p>Puckster<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.wildpuck.com" target="top">www.wildpuck.com</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--></p><i></i>
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Going to State

Post by Warroadice »

I was there in 96 and 97, there isn't nothing like that feeling. All the fans going nuts, theres nothing like it for a highschool kid. Maybe in any level of sports. I mean winning the cup would be great feeling I am sure but for most of us we won't get that chance so this is it. The feeling when you walk onto the ice and your heart is in your mouth, 2 line shifts in you get back to normal and just go hard at it. To this day I haven't ever had a feeling like that first day of the State Championships <p></p><i></i>