New Hampshire Scores

See the bottom of the main page for the date that this page was last updated.

The scores table is large and takes a few seconds (via broadband) to load before it appears below.

Alvirne NH 0 7 Bow NH 20061213 _ _
Alvirne NH 2 8 Lebanon NH 20061216 _ _
Alvirne NH 4 3 Winnacunnet NH 20061220 _ _
Alvirne NH 1 0 Keene NH 20061223 _ _
Alvirne NH 1 8 Spaulding NH 20070103 _ _
Alvirne NH 1 8 Dover NH 20070106 _ _
Alvirne NH 5 4 Merrimack NH 20070110 _ _
Alvirne NH 0 8 Keene NH 20070113 _ _
Alvirne NH 0 2 Kingswood NH 20070120 _ _
Alvirne NH 2 7 Timberlane NH 20070124 _ _
Alvirne NH 1 5 Goffstown NH 20070128 _ _
Alvirne NH 1 2 Oyster River NH 20070131 _ _
Alvirne NH 2 7 Bow NH 20070203 _ _
Berlin NH 3 2 Exeter NH 20061213 _ _
Berlin NH 2 3 Nashua South NH 20061215 _ _
Berlin NH 2 1 Manchester Central NH 20061220 _ _
Berlin NH 4 7 Manchester Memorial NH 20061223 _ _
Berlin NH 5 5 Bishop Brady NH 20070103 _ _
Berlin NH 5 3 Concord NH 20070106 _ _
Berlin NH 2 4 Salem NH 20070110 _ _
Berlin NH 2 3 Bishop Brady NH 20070113 _ _
Berlin NH 5 4 Trinity NH 20070120 _ _
Berlin NH 3 0 Bishop Guertin NH 20070124 _ _
Berlin NH 3 0 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070127 _ _
Berlin NH 7 4 Londonderry NH 20070131 _ _
Berlin NH 7 2 Manchester West NH 20070203 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 3 1 Nashua South NH 20061213 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 8 2 Manchester Central NH 20061216 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 4 3 Exeter NH 20061220 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 1 0 Concord NH 20061223 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 5 5 Berlin NH 20070103 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 4 5 Manchester Memorial NH 20070106 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 6 2 Trinity NH 20070110 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 3 2 Berlin NH 20070113 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 2 3 Bishop Guertin NH 20070120 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 2 3 Salem NH 20070124 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 5 3 Londonderry NH 20070127 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 9 1 Manchester West NH 20070131 _ _
Bishop Brady NH 3 4 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070203 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 6 0 Hanover NH 20061213 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 13 0 Nashua North NH 20061216 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 4 1 Pinkerton NH 20061220 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 6 2 Nashua South NH 20061223 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 5 2 Saint Joes NYPr 20061227    
Bishop Guertin NH 1 1 LaSalle PAEA 20061229   Bishop Guertin Wins Shootout
Bishop Guertin NH 1 1 Fairfield Prep CT 20061229 OT FP lost in shootout
Bishop Guertin NH 12 1 Manchester Central NH 20070103 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 6 2 Exeter NH 20070106 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 3 0 Manchester Memorial NH 20070110 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 6 2 Concord NH 20070113 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 3 1 Arlington Catholic MA 20070115 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 3 2 Bishop Brady NH 20070120 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 0 3 Berlin NH 20070124 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 5 2 Salem NH 20070127 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 9 1 Trinity NH 20070131 _ _
Bishop Guertin NH 4 0 Concord NH 20070203 _ _
Bow NH 7 0 Alvirne NH 20061213 _ _
Bow NH 3 0 Winnacunnet NH 20061216 _ _
Bow NH 1 2 Timberlane NH 20061220 _ _
Bow NH 3 1 Merrimack NH 20061223 _ _
Bow NH 1 2 Lebanon NH 20070103 _ _
Bow NH 1 1 Goffstown NH 20070108 _ _
Bow NH 3 2 Dover NH 20070110 _ _
Bow NH 5 3 Winnacunnet NH 20070117 _ _
Bow NH 1 3 Spaulding NH 20070120 _ _
Bow NH 1 1 Oyster River NH 20070124 _ _
Bow NH 7 1 Kingswood NH 20070127 _ _
Bow NH 2 1 Keene NH 20070131 _ _
Bow NH 7 2 Alvirne NH 20070203 _ _
Concord NH 1 0 Londonderry NH 20061213 _ _
Concord NH 7 0 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20061216 _ _
Concord NH 3 0 Manchester West NH 20061220 _ _
Concord NH 0 1 Bishop Brady NH 20061223 _ _
Concord NH 3 1 Manchester Memorial NH 20070103 _ _
Concord NH 3 5 Berlin NH 20070106 _ _
Concord NH 2 3 Hanover NH 20070110 _ _
Concord NH 2 6 Bishop Guertin NH 20070113 _ _
Concord NH 2 3 Pinkerton NH 20070120 _ _
Concord NH 3 1 Trinity NH 20070127 _ _
Concord NH 5 2 Salem NH 20070131 _ _
Concord NH 0 4 Bishop Guertin NH 20070203 _ _
Dover NH 4 1 Merrimack NH 20061211 _ _
Dover NH 2 2 Winnacunnet NH 20061213 _ _
Dover NH 3 5 Timberlane NH 20061216 _ _
Dover NH 0 7 Spaulding NH 20061220 _ _
Dover NH 5 4 Lebanon NH 20061223 _ _
Dover NH 4 0 Kingswood NH 20070103 _ _
Dover NH 8 1 Alvirne NH 20070106 _ _
Dover NH 2 3 Bow NH 20070110 _ _
Dover NH 2 4 Oyster River NH 20070120 _ _
Dover NH 8 7 Keene NH 20070127 _ _
Dover NH 3 4 Goffstown NH 20070131 _ _
Dover NH 2 4 Winnacunnet NH 20070203 _ _
Dover NH 5 6 Oyster River NH 20070204 _ _
Exeter NH 2 3 Berlin NH 20061213 _ _
Exeter NH 1 2 Manchester Memorial NH 20061216 _ _
Exeter NH 3 4 Bishop Brady NH 20061220 _ _
Exeter NH 4 0 Salem NH 20061223 _ _
Exeter NH 6 3 Trinity NH 20070103 _ _
Exeter NH 2 6 Bishop Guertin NH 20070106 _ _
Exeter NH 7 1 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070110 _ _
Exeter NH 5 0 Londonderry NH 20070120 _ _
Exeter NH 6 2 Manchester West NH 20070124 _ _
Exeter NH 5 6 Hanover NH 20070127 _ _
Exeter NH 2 1 Nashua North NH 20070131 _ _
Exeter NH 3 2 Pinkerton NH 20070203 _ _
Goffstown NH 2 2 Timberlane NH 20061213 _ _
Goffstown NH 0 3 Spaulding NH 20061216 _ _
Goffstown NH 0 0 Oyster River NH 20061220 _ _
Goffstown NH 3 2 Kingswood NH 20061223 _ _
Goffstown NH 3 2 Keene NH 20070103 _ _
Goffstown NH 1 1 Bow NH 20070108 _ _
Goffstown NH 1 4 Winnacunnet NH 20070111 _ _
Goffstown NH 4 0 Merrimack NH 20070120 _ _
Goffstown NH 2 1 Lebanon NH 20070124 _ _
Goffstown NH 5 1 Alvirne NH 20070128 _ _
Goffstown NH 4 3 Dover NH 20070131 _ _
Goffstown NH 1 3 Timberlane NH 20070203 _ _
Hanover NH 0 6 Bishop Guertin NH 20061213 _ _
Hanover NH 0 3 Salem NH 20061216 _ _
Hanover NH 5 2 Trinity NH 20061221 _ _
Hanover NH 3 0 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20061223 _ _
Hanover NH 1 5 Fairfield Prep CT 20061227   _
Hanover NH 3 7 Springfield Cathedral MA 20061228 _ Independent Game
Hanover NH 2 7 Mount St. Charles RI 20061229 _ MSC X-mas
Hanover NH 6 0 Londonderry NH 20070103 _ _
Hanover NH 3 2 Concord NH 20070110 _ _
Hanover NH 0 1 Nashua North NH 20070120 _ _
Hanover NH 6 5 Exeter NH 20070127 _ _
Hanover NH 3 0 Nashua South NH 20070131 _ _
Keene NH 2 5 Spaulding NH 20061213 _ _
Keene NH 1 7 Oyster River NH 20061216 _ _
Keene NH 0 1 Merrimack NH 20061220 _ _
Keene NH 0 1 Alvirne NH 20061223 _ _
Keene NH 2 3 Goffstown NH 20070103 _ _
Keene NH 3 2 Winnacunnet NH 20070106 _ _
Keene NH 4 3 Timberlane NH 20070110 _ _
Keene NH 8 0 Alvirne NH 20070113 _ _
Keene NH 9 3 Lebanon NH 20070120 _ _
Keene NH 3 1 Kingswood NH 20070124 _ _
Keene NH 7 8 Dover NH 20070127 _ _
Keene NH 1 2 Bow NH 20070131 _ _
Keene NH 2 5 Spaulding NH 20070203 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 3 Oyster River NH 20061212 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 0 Merrimack NH 20061216 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 2 Lebanon NH 20061220 _ _
Kingswood NH 2 3 Goffstown NH 20061223 _ _
Kingswood NH 0 4 Dover NH 20070103 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 4 Timberlane NH 20070106 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 4 Spaulding NH 20070110 _ _
Kingswood NH 2 0 Alvirne NH 20070120 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 3 Keene NH 20070124 _ _
Kingswood NH 1 7 Bow NH 20070127 _ _
Kingswood NH 2 0 Winnacunnet NH 20070131 _ _
Kingswood NH 3 2 Oyster River NH 20070203 _ _
Lebanon NH 9 3 Merrimack NH 20061212 _ _
Lebanon NH 8 2 Alvirne NH 20061216 _ _
Lebanon NH 2 1 Kingswood NH 20061220 _ _
Lebanon NH 4 5 Dover NH 20061223 _ _
Lebanon NH 2 1 Bow NH 20070103 _ _
Lebanon NH 0 3 Spaulding NH 20070106 _ _
Lebanon NH 4 3 Oyster River NH 20070110 _ _
Lebanon NH 6 3 Winnacunnet NH 20070113 _ _
Lebanon NH 3 9 Keene NH 20070120 _ _
Lebanon NH 1 2 Goffstown NH 20070124 _ _
Lebanon NH 5 3 Winnacunnet NH 20070127 _ _
Lebanon NH 4 11 Timberlane NH 20070131 _ _
Lebanon NH 7 2 Merrimack NH 20070203 _ _
Londonderry NH 0 1 Concord NH 20061213 _ _
Londonderry NH 4 2 Manchester West NH 20061216 _ _
Londonderry NH 4 1 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20061220 _ _
Londonderry NH 1 4 Pinkerton NH 20061223 _ _
Londonderry NH 0 6 Hanover NH 20070103 _ _
Londonderry NH 1 4 Nashua North NH 20070106 _ _
Londonderry NH 2 3 Manchester Central NH 20070110 _ _
Londonderry NH 1 3 Salem NH 20070113 _ _
Londonderry NH 0 5 Exeter NH 20070120 _ _
Londonderry NH 1 2 Nashua South NH 20070124 _ _
Londonderry NH 3 5 Bishop Brady NH 20070127 _ _
Londonderry NH 4 7 Berlin NH 20070131 _ _
Londonderry NH 1 5 Manchester Memorial NH 20070203 _ _
Manchester Central NH 2 6 Manchester Memorial NH 20061213 _ _
Manchester Central NH 2 8 Bishop Brady NH 20061216 _ _
Manchester Central NH 1 2 Berlin NH 20061220 _ _
Manchester Central NH 3 2 Trinity NH 20061223 _ _
Manchester Central NH 1 12 Bishop Guertin NH 20070103 _ _
Manchester Central NH 3 1 Salem NH 20070106 _ _
Manchester Central NH 3 2 Londonderry NH 20070110 _ _
Manchester Central NH 2 1 Manchester Memorial NH 20070113 _ _
Manchester Central NH 4 2 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070124 _ _
Manchester Central NH 3 4 Nashua North NH 20070127 _ _
Manchester Central NH 2 7 Pinkerton NH 20070131 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 6 2 Manchester Central NH 20061213 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 2 1 Exeter NH 20061216 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 2 0 Nashua South NH 20061220 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 7 4 Berlin NH 20061223 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 1 3 Concord NH 20070103 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 5 4 Bishop Brady NH 20070106 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 0 3 Bishop Guertin NH 20070110 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 1 2 Manchester Central NH 20070113 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 1 2 Salem NH 20070120 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 2 2 Trinity NH 20070124 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 1 7 Manchester West NH 20070127 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 2 1 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070131 _ _
Manchester Memorial NH 5 1 Londonderry NH 20070203 _ _
Manchester West NH 3 1 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20061213 _ _
Manchester West NH 2 4 Londonderry NH 20061216 _ _
Manchester West NH 0 3 Concord NH 20061220 _ _
Manchester West NH 1 4 Nashua North NH 20061223 _ _
Manchester West NH 2 6 Pinkerton NH 20070103 _ _
Manchester West NH 0 1 Nashua South NH 20070110 _ _
Manchester West NH 3 5 Trinity NH 20070113 _ _
Manchester West NH 2 6 Exeter NH 20070124 _ _
Manchester West NH 7 1 Manchester Memorial NH 20070127 _ _
Manchester West NH 1 9 Bishop Brady NH 20070131 _ _
Manchester West NH 2 7 Berlin NH 20070203 _ _
Merrimack NH 1 4 Dover NH 20061211 _ _
Merrimack NH 3 9 Lebanon NH 20061212 _ _
Merrimack NH 0 1 Kingswood NH 20061216 _ _
Merrimack NH 1 0 Keene NH 20061220 _ _
Merrimack NH 1 3 Bow NH 20061223 _ _
Merrimack NH 1 5 Winnacunnet NH 20070103 _ _
Merrimack NH 2 6 Oyster River NH 20070106 _ _
Merrimack NH 4 5 Alvirne NH 20070110 _ _
Merrimack NH 0 9 Spaulding NH 20070113 _ _
Merrimack NH 0 4 Goffstown NH 20070120 _ _
Merrimack NH 2 4 Timberlane NH 20070127 _ _
Merrimack NH 1 9 Spaulding NH 20070131 _ _
Merrimack NH 2 7 Lebanon NH 20070203 _ _
Nashua NH 2 6 Acton Boxboro MA 20061226 _ ESPN Nashua Christmas Tourney
Nashua North NH 3 4 Trinity NH 20061213 _ _
Nashua North NH 0 13 Bishop Guertin NH 20061216 _ _
Nashua North NH 4 7 Salem NH 20061220 _ _
Nashua North NH 4 1 Manchester West NH 20061223 _ _
Nashua North NH 5 2 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070103 _ _
Nashua North NH 4 1 Londonderry NH 20070106 _ _
Nashua North NH 1 0 Hanover NH 20070120 _ _
Nashua North NH 4 3 Manchester Central NH 20070127 _ _
Nashua North NH 1 2 Exeter NH 20070131 _ _
Nashua North NH 2 2 Nashua South NH 20070203 _ _
Nashua South NH 1 3 Bishop Brady NH 20061213 _ _
Nashua South NH 3 2 Berlin NH 20061215 _ _
Nashua South NH 0 2 Manchester Memorial NH 20061220 _ _
Nashua South NH 2 6 Bishop Guertin NH 20061223 _ _
Nashua South NH 4 6 St Peter Marian MA 20061226   Nashua Holiday Tournament
Nashua South NH 1 6 Salem NH 20070103 _ _
Nashua South NH 3 2 Trinity NH 20070106 _ _
Nashua South NH 1 0 Manchester West NH 20070110 _ _
Nashua South NH 1 2 Pinkerton NH 20070113 _ _
Nashua South NH 1 3 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070120 _ _
Nashua South NH 2 1 Londonderry NH 20070124 _ _
Nashua South NH 0 3 Hanover NH 20070131 _ _
Nashua South NH 2 2 Nashua North NH 20070203 _ _
Oyster River NH 3 1 Kingswood NH 20061212 _ _
Oyster River NH 7 1 Keene NH 20061216 _ _
Oyster River NH 0 0 Goffstown NH 20061220 _ _
Oyster River NH 5 2 Winnacunnet NH 20061223 _ _
Oyster River NH 3 4 Andover MA 20061229 _ Blue Devil Classic Holiday Tournament
Oyster River NH 2 4 Timberlane NH 20070103 _ _
Oyster River NH 6 2 Merrimack NH 20070106 _ _
Oyster River NH 3 4 Lebanon NH 20070110 _ _
Oyster River NH 4 2 Dover NH 20070120 _ _
Oyster River NH 1 1 Bow NH 20070124 _ _
Oyster River NH 1 7 Spaulding NH 20070127 _ _
Oyster River NH 2 1 Alvirne NH 20070131 _ _
Oyster River NH 2 3 Kingswood NH 20070203 _ _
Oyster River NH 6 5 Dover NH 20070204 _ _
Pinkerton NH 1 2 Salem NH 20061213 _ _
Pinkerton NH 6 3 Trinity NH 20061216 _ _
Pinkerton NH 1 4 Bishop Guertin NH 20061220 _ _
Pinkerton NH 4 1 Londonderry NH 20061223 _ _
Pinkerton NH 3 1 Andover MA 20061228 _ Blue Devil Classic Christmas Tournament
Pinkerton NH 6 2 Manchester West NH 20070103 _ _
Pinkerton NH 5 1 St. Thomas Aquinas NH 20070106 _ _
Pinkerton NH 2 1 Nashua South NH 20070113 _ _
Pinkerton NH 3 2 Concord NH 20070120 _ _
Pinkerton NH 3 2 Acton Boxboro MA 20070127 _ _
Pinkerton NH 7 2 Manchester Central NH 20070131 _ _
Pinkerton NH 2 3 Exeter NH 20070203 _ _
Salem NH 2 1 Pinkerton NH 20061213 _ _
Salem NH 3 0 Hanover NH 20061216 _ _
Salem NH 7 4 Nashua North NH 20061220 _ _
Salem NH 0 4 Exeter NH 20061223 _ _
Salem NH 6 1 Nashua South NH 20070103 _ _
Salem NH 1 3 Manchester Central NH 20070106 _ _
Salem NH 4 2 Berlin NH 20070110 _ _
Salem NH 3 1 Londonderry NH 20070113 _ _
Salem NH 2 1 Manchester Memorial NH 20070120 _ _
Salem NH 3 2 Bishop Brady NH 20070124 _ _
Salem NH 2 5 Bishop Guertin NH 20070127 _ _
Salem NH 2 5 Concord NH 20070131 _ _
Salem NH 3 2 Trinity NH 20070203 _ _
Spaulding NH 5 2 Keene NH 20061213 _ _
Spaulding NH 3 0 Goffstown NH 20061216 _ _
Spaulding NH 7 0 Dover NH 20061220 _ _
Spaulding NH 6 0 Timberlane NH 20061223 _ _
Spaulding NH 8 1 Alvirne NH 20070103 _ _
Spaulding NH 3 0 Lebanon NH 20070106 _ _
Spaulding NH 4 1 Kingswood NH 20070110 _ _
Spaulding NH 9 0 Merrimack NH 20070113 _ _
Spaulding NH 3 1 Bow NH 20070120 _ _
Spaulding NH 3 0 Winnacunnet NH 20070124 _ _
Spaulding NH 7 1 Oyster River NH 20070127 _ _
Spaulding NH 9 1 Merrimack NH 20070131 _ _
Spaulding NH 5 2 Keene NH 20070203 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 1 3 Manchester West NH 20061213 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 0 7 Concord NH 20061216 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 1 4 Londonderry NH 20061220 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 0 3 Hanover NH 20061223 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 2 5 Nashua North NH 20070103 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 1 5 Pinkerton NH 20070106 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 1 7 Exeter NH 20070110 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 3 1 Nashua South NH 20070120 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 2 4 Manchester Central NH 20070124 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 0 3 Berlin NH 20070127 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 1 2 Manchester Memorial NH 20070131 _ _
St. Thomas Aquinas NH 4 3 Bishop Brady NH 20070203 _ _
Timberlane NH 2 2 Goffstown NH 20061213 _ _
Timberlane NH 5 3 Dover NH 20061216 _ _
Timberlane NH 2 1 Bow NH 20061220 _ _
Timberlane NH 0 6 Spaulding NH 20061223 _ _
Timberlane NH 3 3 Andover MA 20061227 OT Blue Devil Classic Holiday Tournament - Andover won in OT
Timberlane NH 4 2 Oyster River NH 20070103 _ _
Timberlane NH 4 1 Kingswood NH 20070106 _ _
Timberlane NH 3 4 Keene NH 20070110 _ _
Timberlane NH 5 0 Winnacunnet NH 20070120 _ _
Timberlane NH 7 2 Alvirne NH 20070124 _ _
Timberlane NH 4 2 Merrimack NH 20070127 _ _
Timberlane NH 11 4 Lebanon NH 20070131 _ _
Timberlane NH 3 1 Goffstown NH 20070203 _ _
Trinity NH 4 3 Nashua North NH 20061213 _ _
Trinity NH 3 6 Pinkerton NH 20061216 _ _
Trinity NH 2 5 Hanover NH 20061221 _ _
Trinity NH 2 3 Manchester Central NH 20061223 _ _
Trinity NH 3 6 Exeter NH 20070103 _ _
Trinity NH 2 3 Nashua South NH 20070106 _ _
Trinity NH 2 6 Bishop Brady NH 20070110 _ _
Trinity NH 5 3 Manchester West NH 20070113 _ _
Trinity NH 4 5 Berlin NH 20070120 _ _
Trinity NH 2 2 Manchester Memorial NH 20070124 _ _
Trinity NH 1 3 Concord NH 20070127 _ _
Trinity NH 1 9 Bishop Guertin NH 20070131 _ _
Trinity NH 2 3 Salem NH 20070203 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 2 2 Dover NH 20061213 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 0 3 Bow NH 20061216 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 3 4 Alvirne NH 20061220 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 2 5 Oyster River NH 20061223 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 5 1 Merrimack NH 20070103 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 2 3 Keene NH 20070106 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 4 1 Goffstown NH 20070111 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 3 6 Lebanon NH 20070113 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 3 5 Bow NH 20070117 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 0 5 Timberlane NH 20070120 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 0 3 Spaulding NH 20070124 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 3 5 Lebanon NH 20070127 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 0 2 Kingswood NH 20070131 _ _
Winnacunnet NH 4 2 Dover NH 20070203 _ _

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